File #: 22-232    Version: 1
Type: Public Hearings Status: Passed
In control: City Council
On agenda: 6/13/2022 Final action: 6/13/2022
Title: Our Salem Project Ward(s): All Wards Councilor(s): All Councilors Neighborhood(s): All Neighborhoods Result Area(s): Natural Environment Stewardship; Safe Community; Safe, Reliable and Efficient Infrastructure; Strong and Diverse Economy; Welcoming and Livable Community.
Attachments: 1. 1 - Planning Commission Recommendation, 2. 2 - Our Salem Outreach Summary, 3. 3 - Ordinance Bill No 9-22, 4. Ordinance 9-22 Exhibit A Draft Salem Area Comprehensive Plan, 5. Ordinance 9-22 Exhibit B Findings Comprehensive Plan amendment, 6. 4 - Draft Salem Area Comprehensive Plan Spanish, 7. 5 - Transportation and Parks Policy Ideas, 8. 6 - Ordinance Bill No 10-22, 9. Ordinance 10-22 Exhibit A Proposed Comprehensive Plan Map Changes, 10. Ordinance 10-22 Exhibit B Proposed Zoning Map Changes, 11. Ordinance 10-22 Exhibit C Findings Comprehensive Plan Map changes, 12. Ordinance 10-22 Exhibit D Findings Zoning Map Changes, 13. 7 - Proposed Map Change Properties, 14. 8 - Existing Comprehensive Plan Map, 15. Attachment 9 Existing Zoning Map, 16. 10 - Ordinance Bill No 12-22, 17. Ordinance 12-22 Exhibit A Salem Housing Needs Analysis, 18. Ordinance 12-22 Exhibit B Findings Salem Housing Needs Analysis, 19. 11 - Additional Recommended Map Revisions, 20. 12 - Ordinance Bill No 11-22, 21. Ordinance 11-22 Exhibit A Code Amendment, 22. Ordinance 11-22 Exhibit B Findings Code Amendment, 23. 13 - Public Testimony, 24. 14 - Additional Public Comments, 25. 15 - Additional Written Testimony, 26. Supplemental Memo, 27. Written Testimony 1, 28. Written Testimony 2, 29. Written Testimony 3
Related files: 21-52, 22-185, 22-214, 19-383, 22-216, 19-250, 20-352, 21-445, 22-213, 22-294

TO:                      Mayor and City Council   

THROUGH:                      Kristin Retherford, Interim City Manager   

FROM:                      Norman Wright, Community Development Department Director  





Our Salem Project    


Ward(s): All Wards    

Councilor(s): All Councilors    

Neighborhood(s):  All Neighborhoods    

Result Area(s): Natural Environment Stewardship; Safe Community; Safe, Reliable and Efficient Infrastructure; Strong and Diverse Economy; Welcoming and Livable Community.






The City of Salem has developed proposed updates to the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan (Comprehensive Plan) and proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan Map, zoning map, and Salem Revised Code to guide future growth and development in Salem. The work is the culmination of a multi-year project called Our Salem that has involved extensive community engagement.






Shall City Council advance to second reading Ordinance Bills No. 9-22, 10-22 and 12-22 for the purpose of updating the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan, adopting the Housing Needs Analysis, and amending the Comprehensive Plan Map, Neighborhood Plan maps, and zoning map, and engross Ordinance Bill No. 11-22 for the purpose of amending the Salem Revised Code and advance to second reading?





Advance to second reading Ordinance Bills No. 9-22, 10-22 and 12-22 for the purpose of updating the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan, adopting the Housing Needs Analysis, and amending the Comprehensive Plan Map, Neighborhood Plan maps, and zoning map, and engross Ordinance Bill No. 11-22 for the purpose of amending the Salem Revised Code and advance to second reading.







Procedural Findings


1.                     The City of Salem 2017 Strategic Plan identified a goal to develop a “comprehensive, long-term vision for future growth and development in Salem that has community participation” and two specific actions: Conducting citywide visioning and updating the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan with the results of that visioning.

2.                     The City Council approved funding in 2017 to hire a consultant and update the Comprehensive Plan.

3.                     The City, with support from the consultant team led by Fregonese Associates, undertook a multi-year project called Our Salem to update the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan, which included extensive community engagement.

4.                     The result of the Our Salem project includes an updated Salem Area Comprehensive Plan; proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan Map, zoning map, and generalized land use maps of several neighborhood plans; and proposed amendments to the Salem Revised Code.

5.                     The proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan Map accommodate Salem’s projected housing needs, allowing for the Salem Housing Needs Analysis (HNA) to be adopted as a support document to the Comprehensive Plan.

6.                     The proposed changes are considered the following: Adoption of the updated Salem Area Comprehensive Plan is a “Major Comprehensive Plan Amendment” that must be initiated by the City Council under SRC 64.020(e)(1); changes to the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan Map and generalized land use maps in neighborhood plans are “Major Plan Map Amendments” that must be initiated by the City Council under SRC 64.025(b)(1); legislative zone changes may be initiated by the City Council under SRC 265.010(c); proposed amendments to the Salem Revised Code may be initiated by the City Council by resolution under SRC 300.1110(a); and adoption of the HNA as a support document to the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan is considered a “Major Comprehensive Plan Amendment” that must be initiated by the City Council under SRC 64.020(e)(1) with associated amendments to SRC Chapter 64, Comprehensive Planning, that may be initiated by the City Council under SRC 300.1110(a)(1).

7.                     The City Council may refer the matter to the Planning Commission for public hearing and recommendation pursuant to SRC 300.1110(a)(1). On December 6, 2021, the City Council initiated the amendments with Resolution 2021-48 and referred the matter to the Planning Commission for public hearing and recommendation.

8.                     SRC 300.1110(e)(1)(A) requires that the City mail notice of the first evidentiary public hearing in a legislative land use proceeding not more than 40 days, but not less than 20 days prior to the first hearing. Legislative zone changes and amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Plan Map, Neighborhood Plan Maps, and UDC require notice to the Director of the Department of Land Conservation and Development no later than 35 days before the first public hearing pursuant to SRC 300.1110(d). Because the proposed code amendment and Comprehensive Plan Map and zoning map changes restrict some land uses, ORS 227.186 requires written individual notice to the owner of each affected property. This notice is commonly referred to as a “Ballot Measure 56 notice.” All required notices have been provided in accordance with the above requirements.

9.                     On March 15 and April 5, 2022, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to review and receive public testimony on the proposed amendments. The Planning Commission closed the public hearing on April 5, 2022 and voted to deliberate at its April 19, 2022 meeting. On April 19, 2022, the Planning Commission voted to recommend City Council approval of the proposed amendments with the following revisions (Attachment 1):

a.                     Remove the proposed map changes at 3094 Gehlar Road NW (Proposed Zone Change Map 173 and Proposed Comp Plan Change Map 145)

b.                     Expand the proposed MU-II zone to encompass the entire property for the 3100 Block of Orchard Heights Rd NW (Comp Plan Map 160 and Zone Change Map 190) and that

c.                     Rezone 2916 Orchard Heights Rd NW to MU-II instead of RM-II (Comp Plan Map 159 and Zone Change Map 188)

d.                     Update the policy language in Policies H 2.1, H 3.2 and H 1.3 as described in the supplemental staff report dated April 5th to be more inclusive for low-income housing, subsidized housing, and public housing


The Planning Commission’s recommendations have been incorporated into the ordinances before the City Council for consideration.


10.                     On May 23, 2022, the City Council voted to hold a public hearing of Ordinance Bills No. 9-22, 10-22, 11-22, and 12-22.


Project Overview and Outreach


The City kicked off the Our Salem project in 2018 and has involved community-wide engagement over three years. Overall, staff hosted or attended roughly 260 in-person and virtual meetings and events and engaged with more than 80 community groups through February of 2022 (Attachment 2). Project updates have been on-going throughout the adoption process.


The project started with an examination of the existing conditions of Salem. The first phase of the project also looked at how the Salem area could grow under existing policies. It resulted in a report card that evaluated whether Salem was heading in the right direction given current policies and therefore set the stage for the second phase of the project, community-wide visioning. The first phase also resulted in Salem’s first greenhouse gas emissions inventory, which has informed the rest of the Our Salem project as well as the climate action plan work that is nearing completion.


The visioning phase of the Our Salem project started in late summer 2019. City staff conducted extensive outreach throughout the Salem area to understand the community’s priorities, concerns, and ideas for future growth and development. Staff engaged residents, businesses, neighborhoods, community organizations, partner agencies, and others through a variety of in-person and online meetings, events, workshops, surveys, webinars, emails, mailed flyers, social media, and other outreach tools. The project website served as the hub of information and updates.


A Technical Advisory Committee consisting of staff from all City Departments and partner agencies - including Cherriots, the Salem-Keizer School District, Marion County, Polk County, the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, and the Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments - provided input at key milestones. City staff also mailed flyers to all property owners that could be impacted by proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan and zoning maps, inviting them to attend virtual meetings or talk with staff.


The visioning phase had three major milestones.

1.                     Visioning: City staff conducted public outreach throughout the community to understand people’s overall priorities and goals for future growth. City staff, working with a consultant team, also asked the community to show on maps where different types of development were desired in the future.

2.                     Scenarios: Using that input, City staff worked with the consultant team to create guiding principles and four scenarios for future growth. The scenarios were maps that tested various ideas for where different development types should occur.

3.                     Community vision: The community’s input was used to develop the Our Salem Vision, which was presented to and accepted by the City Council in March. The vision included high-level goals and a map that was used to guide the third phase of the Our Salem project.


The last phase of the project focused on developing and refining detailed policies to support the goals in the Vision as well as proposing changes to the zoning map and zoning code to reflect the Our Salem Vision. Outreach included weekly virtual policy meetings on different topics, an interactive proposed zoning map that resulted in more than 1,500 comments, continued meetings with community organizations, and continued coordination with partner agencies such as Cherriots and other jurisdictions. Staff also closely collaborated with the climate action plan work that was led by the Public Works department.


The third phase resulted in a draft of the updated Comprehensive Plan, proposed Comprehensive Plan Map changes, proposed zoning map changes, and proposed zoning code amendments. They are described below.


Proposed Amendments


Update the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan


The proposed amendment to update the Comprehensive Plan is included as Exhibit A of Ordinance Bill No. 9-22 (Attachment 3), and it is included in Spanish as Attachment 4.


The draft Comprehensive Plan would update the existing Comprehensive Policies Plan, revising the goals and policies in line with the community’s priorities and vision for the future. The draft plan covers a broad range of topics, including community engagement and equity, housing, economic development and employment, land use and urbanization, parks and recreation, natural resources and the environment, climate change and natural hazards, Willamette Greenway, transportation, public facilities and infrastructure, and community services and historic resources.


For each topic, there are proposed goals, which are board in nature and support the community’s Vision Statement: Salem is a livable, equitable, carbon neutral city where everyone has access to affordable housing and safe mobility choices, families and local businesses are thriving, diversity and culture is celebrated, and open spaces and the environment are valued and protected. For example, the goals highlight the community’s desire to strengthen Salem’s economy, promote housing affordability, provide interconnected recreational opportunities, protect natural resources, and provide an integrated multimodal transportation network.


Many of the proposed goals - and related policies - do not exist in the current Comprehensive Plan but instead reflect the community’s priorities today for the future. There are many proposed policies, for example, related to equity and broadening community engagement. One such policy emphasizes the community’s desire to ensure that the City expands opportunities for communities of color, low-income residents, and other underrepresented groups to participate in planning and investment decisions. Policies that promote equitable outcomes are also included throughout the draft plan.


There are also proposed goals and policies that aim to build community resiliency and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions to meet the City’s goal of being carbon neutral by 2050. The proposed policies align with the strategies in Salem’s Climate Action Plan. For example, one proposed policy supports the development of a robust network of infrastructure needed to facilitate wide-scale adoption of electric vehicles, and another proposes implementing programs and practices that reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators. 


The proposed goals related to transportation and parks are included in the draft Comprehensive Plan; however, the related policies will be included in the TSP and Salem Comprehensive Parks System Master Plan (CPSMP). Both documents are expected to be updated with detailed policies following adoption of the updated Comprehensive Plan. Attachment 5 is a list of transportation and parks-related policy ideas that have come out of the Our Salem project and will be forwarded for inclusion in the TSP and CPSMP when they are updated.


The draft Comprehensive Plan also includes new benchmarks that align and advance the proposed policy to facilitate and support changes in land use patterns and the transportation system to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips and greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. The benchmarks generally aim to encourage and focus new housing units in mixed-use areas downtown and near Cherriots’ Core Network. (The Core Network is a network of bus service corridors where frequent service is prioritized.)


In addition, the draft Comprehensive Plan includes an appendix that lays out implementation steps that the City plans to undertake after the Our Salem project is complete and the updated Comprehensive Plan is adopted. Those steps include:


1.                     Update the Transportation System Plan to align with the updated Comprehensive Plan

2.                     Update the Comprehensive Parks System Master Plan to align with the updated Comprehensive Plan

3.                     Coordinate and implement strategies in the Climate Action Plan

4.                     Conduct a new Economic Opportunities Analysis

5.                     Conduct a Goal 5 inventory

6.                     Develop a Housing Production Strategy


Amend the Comprehensive Plan Map, Zoning Map, and Generalized Land Use Map in the 10 neighborhood plans


The proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan Map designations are included as Exhibit A of Ordinance Bill No. 10-22, and the proposed changes to the zoning map are included as Exhibit B of Ordinance Bill No. 10-22 (Attachment 6).


The proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan Map, zoning map, and the generalized land use maps in 10 neighborhood plans - CANDO, ELNA, Faye Wright, Grant, Highland, NESCA-Lansing, Morningside, NEN-SESNA, Sunnyslope, and West Salem Neighborhood Plans - aim to advance the goals and policies in the Comprehensive Plan. All of the properties impacted by a proposed map change is listed in Attachment 7.


The proposed map changes reflect four big ideas about where the community wants to see different types of land uses and development in the future. These big ideas are incorporated into several policies in the Comprehensive Plan. 


1.                     Mixed use: Encourage a mix of uses in the downtown area and along major corridors with frequent transit service

2.                     Housing: Encourage a broader range of housing types and distribute multifamily housing across Salem, particularly near jobs, services, and amenities

3.                     Neighborhood hubs: Allow pockets of small-scale businesses in single-family areas

4.                     Employment: Create flexibility in where commercial uses are allowed, while maintaining existing industrial areas


The generalized land use maps in 10 neighborhood plans are carbon copies of the existing Comprehensive Plan Map and are therefore being amended to reflect the proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan Map. This proposed amendment would not impact any vision maps or opportunity maps in the neighborhood plans. Salem’s existing Comprehensive Plan Map Designations (Attachment 8) and existing Zoning Map (Attachment 9) have been attached for reference.


Mixed Use


The proposed Comprehensive Plan Map and zoning map changes significantly expand mixed-use areas in Salem, particularly along major corridors with frequent transit service as well as in and around downtown. Specifically, the proposed Comprehensive Plan Map increases the amount of land designated as Mixed Use in the Salem area by roughly fourfold.


The Mixed Use (MU) and River Oriented Mixed Use (ROM) Comprehensive Plan Map designations would be implemented by existing and new mixed-use zones, including the Mixed Use-I (MU-I), Mixed Use-II (MU-II), proposed Mixed Use-III (MU-III), and proposed Mixed Use-Riverfront (MU-R) zones. All of those zones would allow but not require a broad range of residential, commercial, and other uses. Establishing more mixed-use areas in Salem would promote walkability, increase access to jobs and services, and create more flexibility in how properties can be used. Creating more walkable, complete neighborhoods - particularly near transit service - would help move Salem closer to its greenhouse gas emissions reductions goals.


Much of the added Mixed Use-designated and mixed-use zoned land is along Cherriots’ Core Network. For example, land along Commercial Street SE, Liberty Lancaster Drive NE, and Portland Road NE is proposed to be redesignated as Mixed Use and rezoned to MU-I, MU-II, or MU-III. Other proposed mixed-use areas include currently vacant or underutilized property in largely residential neighborhoods. This includes vacant land in West Salem and South Salem. While areas like these are not currently served by transit, they offer opportunities to incorporate commercial services, shops, and jobs into otherwise residential areas. Redesignating and rezoning these areas to allow for a mix of uses would help create more complete neighborhoods as Salem continues to grow.




The proposed Comprehensive Plan Map and zoning map changes provide more opportunities for a mix of housing types to be developed across Salem’s neighborhoods. Specifically, the proposed maps add land designated as Multi-Family Residential (MF) and zoned Multiple Family Residential-I (RM-I) or Multiple Family Residential-II (RM-II) throughout the Salem area, as opposed to concentrating it in one neighborhood. The proposed maps also encourage more housing near transit service by adding mixed use areas along Cherriots’ Core Network, as mentioned earlier.


This addition of MF-designated land and MU-designated land is critical to Salem meeting its future housing needs, as described in the Salem Housing Needs Analysis (HNA). The HNA, completed in December 2014, projected a 207-acre deficit of multifamily land (or 2,897 units) in Salem’s portion of our urban growth boundary (UGB) by 2035. This is based on an overall projected need for 7,299 multifamily housing units on Multifamily land between 2015 and 2035.


Staff has analyzed the proposed Comprehensive Plan Map and determined that if adopted, it could accommodate Salem’s projected multifamily housing need through 2035. Staff made this determination after analyzing recent building permit data and the amount of vacant and partially vacant land that exists today if the proposed Comprehensive Plan Map changes were adopted. Meeting Salem’s projected housing needs through Comprehensive Plan Map changes allows the City to adopt the HNA, along with the map changes. (The HNA is included as Exhibit A in Ordinance Bill No. 12-22 in Attachment 10.)


Neighborhood Hubs


The proposed Comprehensive Plan Map and zoning map changes allow for the creation of neighborhoods hubs. A newer idea in Salem, neighborhood hubs are intended to be small clusters of businesses in residential neighborhoods. They would provide neighbors with safe, convenient access to shops and services to help meet their daily needs, and they would help create more complete neighborhoods.


Neighborhood hubs are designated as Mixed Use on the proposed Comprehensive Plan Map and zoned Neighborhood Hub (NH), which would be a new zone in Salem. The new zone would allow but not mandate a broader range of uses, such as small-scale retail shops, cafes, personal services, and recreational and cultural services. (Some specific types of businesses such as liquor stores, tobacco stores, tattoo parlors, night clubs, and medical laboratories would be prohibited.) Single-family homes would continue to be allowed. Standards would be established to limit hours of operation, promote pedestrian-oriented development, and help ensure new structures that are scaled and designed to be sensitive to the neighborhood context.


The proposed zoning map changes include 13 neighborhood hubs across Salem (down from 34 last year). The proposed hubs are generally located at intersections or on collector streets near parks, schools, or other community gathering places. They are also largely in areas with transit service, sidewalks, and in some cases, bike lanes.




The proposed Comprehensive Plan Map and zoning map changes expand existing employment areas in Salem. Specifically, the proposed maps expand the amount of Industrial Commercial (IC) land in Salem. This Comprehensive Plan designation - and corresponding IC zone - allows for a mix of commercial and industrial uses. For example, land in and around the Fairview Industrial area has been redesignated and rezoned to IC.


The proposed maps also maintain existing industrial land throughout Salem, including areas along Portland Road, Salem Parkway, McGilchrist Street, Sunnyview Road around 16th Street, and the Mill Creek Corporate Center. The industrial area in inner West Salem is proposed to be redesignated and rezoned to allow for a mix of uses, but the proposed zoning there includes a provision that would allow existing industrial businesses to continue and new industrial businesses to move into existing industrial buildings. This creates flexibility in when that industrial area transitions to a mixed-use area.


Other changes


The proposed changes to the zoning map eliminate 18 overlay zones. (These are in addition to two others that have already been eliminated through the recent Unified Development Code update). Many of those overlay zones are no longer necessary because the underlying zone is proposed to change to a mixed-use zone; the overlays had previously promoted mixed-use development when the underlying zone was, for example, a commercial zone. Eliminating overlay zones has been a priority of the City over the years, as the community and City Council has asked for zoning to be streamlined and simplified. Historic districts will remain as will several overlay zones along portions of Commercial Street SE and Portland Road NE.


In addition, the proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan Map and zoning maps fix inconsistencies between the two maps on roughly 700 properties throughout Salem. Inconsistencies between Comprehensive Plan Map designations and zones create challenges when property owners want to develop or redevelop their land.


Planning Commission and Other Recommended Revisions 


As mentioned earlier, the Planning Commission voted on April 19, 2022 to recommend City Council approval of the proposed amendments with the following revisions:


a.                     Remove the proposed map changes at 3094 Gehlar Road NW


Staff initially proposed to rezone the property from Residential Agriculture (RA) to MU-II to allow - but not require - commercial uses to be developed in the future. The property, which is at the intersection of Eola and Doaks Ferry roads NW, is owned and occupied by a church. During the Planning Commission public hearing, the land use chair of the West Salem Neighborhood Association voiced opposition to the proposed rezoning. The Planning Commission subsequently voted to recommend removing the proposal from the Our Salem project, which means the existing RA zoning would remain. Staff has incorporated the Planning Commission’s recommendation into the proposal before the City Council, so the property is no longer proposed to be rezoned to MU-II. (The property owner has since expressed interest in having the church property rezoned to allow future commercial uses.)


b.                     Expand the proposed MU-II zone to encompass the entire property for the 3100 Block of Orchard Heights Road NW


Staff initially proposed rezoning the northern portion of properties south of Orchard Heights Road NW and east of Settlers Spring Drive NW to MU-II to allow for a mix of housing and commercial uses. There was a request during the Planning Commission’s public hearing that the entirety of the properties be rezoned from RA to MU-II to allow for a more cohesive development proposal in the future. The Planning Commission voted to recommend that change, which has been incorporated into the proposal before the City Council.


c.                     Rezone 2916 Orchard Heights Rd NW to MU-II instead of RM-II


Staff initially proposed rezoning the property to RM-II to allow for multifamily housing. The property owner requested that the property be rezoned instead to MU-II to allow for commercial uses (in addition to residential uses). The Planning Commission voted to recommend that change, which has been incorporated into the proposal before the City Council.


d.                     Update the policy language in Policies H 2.1, H 3.2 and H 1.3 as described in the supplemental staff report dated April 5th to be more inclusive for low-income housing, subsidized housing, and public housing


The Planning Commission requested the language changes following public testimony by community organizers that focused on ensuring low-income, subsidized housing, and public housing were equitably distributed across the Salem area, including in south and west Salem. The changes have been incorporated into the proposal before the City Council.


In addition, staff has recommended and incorporated additional revisions to the proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan Map and zoning map. These additional revisions have been made to reflect and/or align with recent land use decisions, pending land use applications, or existing zoning. The additional recommended revisions are listed in Attachment 11, which includes a spreadsheet.


Amend the Salem Revised Code


The proposed code amendment is included as Exhibit A of Ordinance Bill No. 11-22 (Attachment 12).


New zones


The proposed amendments to the Salem Revised Code create three new zones: the NH zone, MU-III zone, and MU-R zone. The proposed NH zone, as mentioned earlier, would allow small-scale services and shops in addition to single-family and middle housing types (e.g., duplex, triplex, quadplex, townhouses, and cottage clusters as required by state law).


The proposed MU-III zone would allow but not require a mix of uses. It would specifically allow the same uses that are permitted today in the Retail Commercial (CR) zone - such as retail, restaurants, offices, and services. In addition, multifamily housing would be allowed outright as opposed to through a conditional use permit as is required today in the CR zone. The proposed MU-III zone would also promote pedestrian-friendly development through development standards. For example, one standard would require new parking lots to be located behind or beside buildings.


The proposed MU-III zone would largely be located on corridors with frequent transit service such as portions of Commercial Street, Lancaster Drive, Market Street, and Portland Road. It would therefore implement policies in the draft Comprehensive Plan. For example, several policies encourage mixed-use development near frequent transit routes.


The proposed MU-R zone would also allow but not require a mix of uses, and it would encourage pedestrian-friendly development through a variety of design-related standards. The proposed design-related standards would be similar to those in the MU-I and MU-II zones, as they require ground-floor windows, awnings, and articulated buildings. The proposed MU-R zone would also include an additional standard that requires public pedestrian access between Front Street and the Willamette River. This standard is included in the proposed zone because it is largely proposed to be located along the river north of downtown Salem, and it is a standard that largely applies to the area today. This would implement policies in the draft Comprehensive Plan that call for increased public access to the river.


In addition, the amendments include revising the Multiple Family High Rise Residential (RH) zone. The amendments rename the zone to Multiple Family Residential-III (RM-III) and establish a maximum height and density.


Zoning Subcommittee Recommendations


The proposed code amendments incorporate recommendations of the Our Salem Zoning Subcommittee, which included four City Councilors and four Planning Commissioners. That subcommittee met six times over the spring and summer of 2021 to discuss and make recommendations on six zoning options intended to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. The public was invited to attend and provide input during the virtual meetings.


The Zoning Subcommittee’s recommendations align with the strategies in Salem’s Climate Action Plan as well as the goals and policies in the draft Comprehensive Plan.


The following is a high-level summary of the zoning subcommittee’s recommendations:

                     Establish a maximum height of 70 feet in the proposed new MU-III zone (and base the setback adjacent to residential zones on the height of buildings)

                     Eliminate minimum off-street parking requirements for mixed-use developments in the mixed-use zones within ¼ mile of Cherriot’s Core Network

                     Increase the minimum density in the RM-II, MU-I, MU-II, and proposed MU-III zones to 15 units per acre

                     Require subdivisions that are at least 10 acres in size to allow neighborhood hub uses (e.g., non-residential uses allowed in the NH zone) on at least two contiguous lots

                     Establish a minimum density of 5.5 units per acre in the Single-Family Residential zone when land that is at least 5 acres in size is subdivided, and require at least 15 percent of the dwelling units in those subdivisions to be middle housing

                     Establish a minimum density of 15 units per acre in the Single Family Residential (RS) for vacant land within ¼ mile of Cherriot’s Core Network


Corresponding amendments


The proposed code amendment includes corresponding changes to various other parts of the UDC to reference and incorporate the proposed new zones and remove references to zones and overlay zones that are proposed to be eliminated. Revisions to SRC 900 (Sign Code) were not included in Ordinance Bill No. 11-22 as it was presented for first reading, so staff recommends that the City Council direct staff to engross the ordinance to include these additional recommended changes. These changes to the Sign Code establish development standards for the proposed new zones that generally follow standards for existing similar zones. The additional recommended changes to SRC 900 are included in Exhibit A of Ordinance Bill No. 11-22 attached to this staff report.


Testimony Received


The comments provided during and after the Planning Commission public hearing can be found on the Our Salem project webpage here: <> and <> Staff responses are included as Exhibit 1 to the findings included in Ordinance No. 9-22, 10-22, 10-22, and 11-22 Attachment 13.


Additional comments that have been submitted through May 26, 2022 are included in Attachment 14. Staff responses to the comments are below.


1.                     A comment from the Housing Land Advocates and the Fair Housing Council of Oregon was received in support of adopting the Our Salem project, stating that it meets Salem’s diverse housing needs.


2.                     A comment was received about property at the intersection of Holder Lane SE and Lone Oak Road SE, citing concerns about water and trees. The comment requests that the owner or buyer be required to determine if the property is a wetland or watershed and if it is safe to remove trees or build on the land.


Staff response: These properties are currently zoned Residential Agriculture (RA), which allows for development of housing and limited other uses. The proposal is to rezone the properties to Mixed Use-II (MU-II), which would allow a range of housing and commercial uses. Rezoning the properties does not require that they be developed. Development could also occur under the existing zoning.

The local wetlands inventory does not indicate wetlands on the properties; the proposed zone change does not eliminate the requirement for future development to meet the conditions of SRC Chapter 809 (Wetlands), which aims to avoid or minimize risks to people and property from natural hazards. In addition, if the properties were developed in the future, the development would be subject to other portions of the Salem Revised Code that aim to promote public health and safety, including SRC Chapter 810 that seeks to mitigate landslide risks, regardless of the zoning designation.

In addition, requirements for preservation of trees and vegetation in SRC Chapter 808 would continue to apply to these properties if they were rezoned to MU-II. The City Council recently adopted a code amendment that increases the number and types of trees that are required to be preserved in Salem.

3.                     A comment was received asking if a property is rezoned to RM-II, could the property owner still develop single-family homes.


Staff response: The RM-II zone allows a range of housing types, including some single-family uses (e.g., townhouses), middle housing, and multifamily housing. A new single-family detached home is not allowed unless it is on a nonconforming lot of record less than 6,000 square feet in area or is replacing an existing single-family detached dwelling. Development would also have to meet other code requirements, including development standards.


4.                     A comment was received in opposition of rezoning properties north of Orchard Heights Road NW and west of 27th Place NW to RM-II. The comments cited several concerns, including that the area is not suitable for conversion to multifamily uses and the proposed map changes result in a surplus of land for multifamily housing.


Staff response: The properties north of Orchard Heights Road NW are proposed to be redesignated to Multiple Family Residential (MF). The proposed redesignation to MF on the Comprehensive Plan Map would only apply if the properties were annexed to the City. If the properties were annexed, they could be zoned RM-I or RM-II.


As noted in the comments, if the properties were removed from the Our Salem project (e.g., the MF designation was no longer proposed), Salem would still meet its projected housing needs as identified in the HNA and the City could still adopt the HNA as proposed with the Our Salem project.


5.                     A comment was received, requesting that the properties south of Orchard Heights Road NW and east of Settlers Spring Drive NW be reverted back to staff’s original recommendation to rezone only the northern portion of the properties to MU-II.


Staff response: Staff initially proposed rezoning the northern portion of properties to MU-II to allow for a mix of housing and commercial uses; the southern portions were proposed to remain RA. As mentioned earlier, based on a request, the Planning Commission voted to recommend that the entirety of the properties be rezoned from RA to MU-II to allow for a more cohesive development proposal in the future, and this change has been incorporated into the proposal before the City Council. Staff supports both proposals - the original recommendation to only rezone the northern portion to MU-II and the Planning Commission’s recommendation.


Substantive Findings


The proposal includes amendments to the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Plan Map, generalized land use maps in 10 neighborhood plans, zoning map, Salem Revised Code, and the adoption of the Salem Housing Needs Analysis (HNA).


1.                     SRC 64.020 establishes the following approval criteria for a major Comprehensive Plan amendment to be approved:


a.                     The amendment is in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare of the City; and

b.                     The amendment conforms to the applicable statewide planning goals and applicable administrative rules adopted by the Department of Land Conservation and Development.


Findings demonstrating the proposal’s conformance with the applicable approval criteria are included in Exhibit B to Ordinance Bill No. 9-22 (Attachment 3).


2.                     SRC 64.025 establishes the following approval criteria for a major Comprehensive Plan map amendment to be approved:


a.                     The amendment is in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare of the City; and

b.                     The amendment conforms to the applicable statewide planning goals and applicable administrative rules adopted by the Department of Land Conservation and Development.

In considering a major plan map amendment whether the amendment has a significant effect on a City-owned transportation facility per OAR 660-012- 0060(1), the following shall be considered:

c.                     Performance standard. The performance standard shall be a volume to
capacity ratio of 1.0 during the peak travel hour, which is the standard
established in the Salem Transportation System Plan for operation of existing streets and intersections.

d.                     Determining significance. For the purposes of determining whether a
proposed major plan map amendment will degrade the performance of an
existing or planned transportation facility for OAR 660-012-0060(1)(c)(C)
and (D), the following will not be considered significant:

(aa) The plan map amendment increases average daily trips on a facility by fewer than 200 daily vehicle trips, or
(bb) The calculated volume to capacity ratio with proposed plan amendment is within 0.03 of the volume to capacity ratio with existing plan map designations.

If the amendment is determined to have a significant effect, OAR 660-012-
0060(2)-(4) shall apply.


Findings demonstrating the proposal’s conformance with the applicable approval criteria are included in Exhibit C to Ordinance Bill No. 10-22 (Attachment 6).


3.                     SRC 265.010 establishes the following approval criteria for a legislative zone change to be approved:


a.                     The zone change is in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare of the City;

b.                     The zone change complies with the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan, applicable statewide planning goals, and applicable administrative rules adopted by the Department of Land Conservation and Development;

c.                     If the zone change requires a comprehensive plan change from an industrial designation to a non-industrial designation, or a comprehensive plan change from a commercial or employment designation to any other designation, a demonstration that the proposed zone change is consistent with the most recent economic opportunities analysis and the parts of the comprehensive plan which address the provision of land for economic development and employment growth; or be accompanied by an amendment to the comprehensive plan to address the proposed zone change; or include both the demonstration and an amendment to the comprehensive plan; and

d.                     The zone change does not significantly affect a transportation facility, or, if the zone change would significantly affect a transportation facility, the significant effects can be adequately addressed through the measures associated with, or conditions imposed on, the zone change.


Findings demonstrating the proposal’s conformance with the applicable approval criteria are included in Exhibit D to Ordinance Bill No. 10-22 (Attachment 6).


4.                     SRC 110.085 establishes the following approval criteria for an amendment to the UDC to be approved:


a.                     The amendment is in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare of the City; and

b.                     The amendment conforms with the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan, applicable statewide planning goals, and applicable administrative rules adopted by the Department of Land Conservation and Development.


Findings demonstrating the proposal’s conformance with the applicable approval criteria are included in Exhibit B to Ordinance Bill No. 11-22 (Attachment 12).


5.                     Adopting the HNA as a support document to the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan involves a major Comprehensive Plan amendment. SRC 64.020 establishes the following criteria for a major Comprehensive Plan amendment:


a.                     The amendment is in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare of the City; and

b.                     The amendment conforms to the applicable statewide planning goals and applicable administrative rules adopted by the Department of Land Conservation and Development.


Findings demonstrating the proposal’s conformance with the applicable approval criteria are included in Exhibit B to Ordinance Bill No. 12-22 (Attachment 10).




The City Council funded the Our Salem project in 2017. The funding followed the strategic planning process when the community identified the need to develop a vision for growth and development. Salem’s portion of the urban growth boundary is projected to continue adding residents and jobs through 2035, and the Our Salem project provided the community with an opportunity to guide how and where that growth occurs.


The City started the Our Salem project in the fall of 2018, working with a consultant team led by Fregonese Associates. The multi-year project has resulted in a proposed update to the Comprehensive Plan as well as the Comprehensive Plan Map, zoning map, and zoning code, as discussed in this staff report. 




City Council may:


A.                     Advance Ordinance Bills No. 9-22, 10-22, and 12-22 to second reading for enactment, and engross Ordinance Bill No. 11-22 and advance to second reading for enactment;

B.                     Refer the proposal back to the Planning Commission for further deliberation; or

C.                     Decline to advance the ordinance bills to second reading.  

                     Eunice Kim     

                     Long Range Planning Manager



1. Planning Commission Recommendation

2. Our Salem Outreach Summary

3. Ordinance Bill No. 9-22

4. Draft Salem Area Comprehensive Plan (Spanish)

5. Transportation and Parks Policy Ideas

6. Ordinance Bill No. 10-22

7. Proposed Map Change Properties

8. Existing Comprehensive Plan Map

9. Existing Zoning Map

10. Ordinance Bill No. 12-22

11. Additional Recommended Map Revisions

12. Ordinance Bill No. 11-22

13. Public Testimony

14. Additional Public Comments