TO: Mayor and City Council
THROUGH: Steve Powers, City Manager
FROM: Peter Fernandez, PE, Public Works Director
Riverfront Park and Rotary Amphitheater Project.
Ward(s): All Wards
Councilor(s): All Councilors
Neighborhood(s): All Neighborhoods
An update on the work of the Rotary Club of Salem’s project to donate a new performance stage at Riverfront Park.
Information only.
In celebration of its centennial anniversary in 2020, the Rotary Club of Salem has committed to raise funds for the design and construction of a new multi-purpose stage at Salem’s Riverfront Park at the location of the current Amphitheater.
The project is a public/private partnership between the Rotary Club of Salem and the City of Salem. The Rotary Club of Salem is responsible for raising the funds necessary for constructing the facility and for conducting the selection process leading to Council’s approval of a final design. The Rotary Club of Salem is also responsible for ensuring bid-ready construction documents are delivered to the City of Salem. The City will be responsible for managing project construction, which includes bidding, contracting, permitting, inspections, and related services.
1. The Rotary Club of Salem’s proposal to donate a new stage was introduced and positively received by members of the Salem Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (SPRAB) when the proposal was presented at the SPRAB meeting on January 12, 2017. SPRAB also responded favorably at the March 9, 2017, meeting to a proposal to reserve a footprint for the performance facility. An update was provided to SPRAB at the August 10, 2017 meeting.
2. On March 27, 2017, Council approved reserving an area for the multi-purpose stage at the current location of the Riverfront Park amphitheater in advance of completing a full master planning process for Riverfront Park.
3. Three Salem-based architecture firms have submitted concepts for consideration:
a. CB Two Architects, LLC, has submitted two concepts (See Attachment 1 and Attachment 2)
b. AC & Co Architecture Community (See Attachment 3)
c. Anderson Shirley Architects, Inc., (See Attachment 4)
4. A public review process is being conducted to receive feedback and input from members of the community. To date, the public review process has included the following organizations:
a. Eight area Rotary clubs
b. Neighborhood Associations (17 of 18 to date)
c. Chamber of Commerce Greeters program
d. Downtown Advisory Board
e. Strategic Economic Development Corporation (SEDCOR)
f. Travel Salem
g. Salem Parks Foundation Board
h. Salem First Baptist Church
i. Gilbert House Children’s Museum
j. Riverfront Park Carousel
5. Information has been provided at various public venues, including: Salem Art Fair, River Rock concerts, Bite & Brew, Movies in the Park, and the Peter Courtney Bridge grand opening celebration.
6. A website and Facebook page have been established. The Statesman Journal has produced three separate articles on the project. The Salem Area Chamber of Commerce and Salem Weekly have each had an article on the project.
7. A Public Forum on the proposal and conceptual designs was held on July 25, 2017 in the Anderson Room at the Salem Public Library. Attended by approximately 70 individuals, this forum included presentations by the architects on the inspiration behind their designs, facilitation of feedback, and an opportunity for attendees to interact with the architects.
8. Final concept renderings from architectural firms are due to the Design Committee in early September. The Design Committee will select a “Preferred Design” on September 21, 2017, which will be forwarded to Salem Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and City Council for final approval in October.
9. Construction of the new facility is expected to begin in the fall of 2019 and is planned to be completed in the spring of 2020, which will be the Rotary Club of Salem’s centennial year.
Robert D Chandler, PhD, PE
Assistant Public Works Director
1. Rotary Centennial Stage Concept #1 (CB Two Architects, LLC)
2. Rotary Centennial Stage Concept #2 (CB Two Architects, LLC)
3. Rotary Centennial Stage Concept (AC & Co Architecture Community)
4. Rotary Centennial Stage Concept (Anderson Shirley Architects, Inc.)