TO: Mayor and City Council
THROUGH: Kristin Retherford, Interim City Manager
FROM: Norman Wright, Community Development Department Director
Designation of the Eco Earth Globe as a Local Historic Resource
Ward(s): Ward 1
Councilor(s): Councilor Stapleton
Neighborhood(s): CANDO
Result Area(s): Welcoming and Livable Community
Salem’s Public Art Commission requested local historic resource designation of the Eco Earth Globe for its for its association with the Oregon Pulp and Paper Mill and Boise Cascade as well as for significance as one of Salem’s first community projects that adaptively reused an industrial structure, converting it to a piece of art representing the earth and symbolizing world peace and cultural diversity.
Shall City Council conduct a first reading to consider Ordinance Bill No. 13-22 designating the Eco Earth Globe as a local historic resource and, after a public hearing, advance it to a second reading for enactment?
Conduct a first reading to consider Ordinance Bill No. 13-22 designating the Eco Earth Globe as a local historic resource and, after a public hearing, advance it to second reading for enactment.
Ordinance Bill No. 13-22 includes findings which demonstrate that the Eco Earth Globe meets the applicable criterion for historic resource designation relating to age, significance and integrity. Per Salem Revised Code (SRC) 230.010 (c), the Historic Landmarks Commission is forwarding to Council its recommendation pursuant to their decision on April 21, 2022 (Attachment 1). The Historic Landmarks Commission found that the proposal adequately met the applicable criteria in SRC 230.010 (e) related to age, cultural significance and integrity.
Procedural Findings:
1. On February 15, 2022, the Salem Public Art Commission submitted materials for a Class 4 Legislative Major Historic Review of a proposal to designate the Eco Earth Globe as a local historic resource.
2. Pursuant to SRC 230.010(c)(2) any person may file a request with the Council or the Historic Landmarks Commission (HLC) for initiation of the designation of a local historic resource. Designation is a Type IV procedure under SRC 300. The HLC may choose to initiate a designation, hold a public hearing on the nomination and make a recommendation to City Council regarding the proposed designation. Provided owner consent is granted per SRC 230.010(f), under Salem Revised Code (SRC) Chapter 230.010 an application for the designation of a local resource designation may be granted by the Salem City Council if the resource meets the criteria for age, significance and integrity as outlined in SRC 230.010(e).
3. Pursuant to SRC 300.1110(a)(2) the Historic Landmarks Commission may initiate legislative land use proceedings by the adoption of a resolution referring the matter to public hearing for review and recommendation to the City Council. At their March 17, 2022 meeting, the HLC adopted Resolution 2022-01 initiating the local Historic Resource Designation for the Eco Earth Globe.
4. Notice was provided to DLCD on March 17, 2022. Notice of public hearing was sent by mail to surrounding property owners and tenants pursuant to SRC requirements on April 1, 2022. Public hearing notice was also posted on the property pursuant to SRC 300.620.
5. The Salem HLC held a public hearing on April 21, 2022 where they determined that the Eco Earth Globe meets the applicable criterion for designation as a local historic resource, and retains sufficient original integrity to convey its historical and cultural significance to the Salem community.
Salem has over one hundred individually designated local historic resources that are significant for their cultural, historic or architectural value. The Eco-Earth Globe (c.1960) is culturally significant for its association with the Oregon Pulp and Paper Mill and Boise Cascade and is significant as one of Salem’s first community projects that adaptively reused an industrial structure, converting it to a piece of art representing the earth and symbolizing world peace.
Kimberli Fitzgerald, AICP/RPA
Historic Preservation Program Manager
1. Recommendation of the Historic Landmarks Commission
2. Vicinity Map and Photographs of Eco Earth Globe.
3. Staff Report provided to the Historic Landmarks Commission
4. Ordinance No. 13-22