File #: 24-478    Version: 1
Type: Informational Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
On agenda: 12/9/2024 Final action: 12/9/2024
Title: 2024 Salem Climate Action Plan Annual Report to Council. Ward(s): All Wards Councilor(s): All Councilors Neighborhood(s): All Neighborhoods Result Area(s): Natural Environment Stewardship; Safe and Healthy Community; Safe, Reliable and Efficient Infrastructure.
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1- Salem Climate Action Plan 2024 Annual Report.pdf, 2. Public Comment received by 2:00 p.m., December 9, 2024
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TO:                      Mayor and City Council   

THROUGH:                      Keith Stahley, City Manager   

FROM:                      Brian D. Martin, PE, Public Works Director  





2024 Salem Climate Action Plan Annual Report to Council.    


Ward(s): All Wards    

Councilor(s): All Councilors    

Neighborhood(s):  All Neighborhoods    

Result Area(s): Natural Environment Stewardship; Safe and Healthy Community; Safe, Reliable and Efficient Infrastructure.






Present 2024 Climate Action Plan Annual Report to Council.    





Present the 2024 Climate Action Plan Annual Report to Council.   






Information only.    






The Salem Climate Action Plan (CAP) is a long-term plan designed to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and increase Salem’s resiliency to climate change. This Plan was accepted by City Council on February 14, 2022. A Mayor-appointed CAP Committee was created to oversee implementation. The CAP Committee meets bi-monthly to review strategies and receive updates from staff and community partners. The attached CAP Annual Report provides a summary of implementation activities that were completed or initiated in 2024. Some highlights include:

Strategy EN 11:  Create a Climate Champion Partnership Program


                     Marion County’s Earthwise program has served as a sustainable business network for over 10 years.

                     Marion County has rebranded “Earthwise” to “Marion County Sustainable Business Network” using Greenbiz Tracker for enrolling and tracking progress.

                     Marion County included the west Salem (97304 zip code) in the Greenbiz tracker for no additional cost and the City’s Climate Action Plan Manager agreed to conduct the onboarding training for west Salem businesses.


Strategy EN 12: Develop a Comprehensive Approach to Increasing Energy Efficiency in Municipal Buildings


                     The City has applied for, and been awarded $214,750 to create a Municipal Energy Master Plan for municipal buildings.

                     The Municipal Energy Master Plan will be a framework for assessing Energy Usage Intensity (EUI) and achieving cost-effective energy efficiency.

                     City of Salem has enrolled in Energy Trust of Oregon’s Strategic Energy Management program to provide incentives for energy conservation.


Strategy EN 29 : Work to Create a Network of Renewable Base Microgrids


                     The City has applied for, and been awarded $100,000 as a planning grant for micro-hydroelectric turbines to be used in-line at the Turner Pump Station and Franzen Revisor


Strategy TL 21: Employee Commute Trip Reduction.


                     September 16-22 Oregon Department of Transportation launched the “Get There Challenge” to encourage using transportation options for commuting.

                     The city supported the employee-focused challenge which resulted in 152 alternative trips avoiding 569 lbs. of CO2 emissions from transportation.


Grants and Funding

                     $214,750 - U.S. Department of Energy awarded for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant

                     $100,000 - Oregon Department of Energy awarded for planning of micro-hydroelectric turbines in-line energy generation.

                     $200,000 - applying for planning incentives from Energy Trust of Oregon for micro-hydroelectric turbines for in-line energy generation.

                     $15,000,000 - U.S. Department of Transportation awarded to Tualatin and Neighbors Charging Up under the Charging and Fueling and Infrastructure Grant. The City of Salem is a partner agency with Tualatin and others.

                     $20,000,000 - applying for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Community Change Grant for severe weather resilience and energy efficiency for low-income residents.    




On October 12, 2020, City Council adopted two goals for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in Salem: (1) By 2035, Salem’s GHG emissions shall be reduced to 50 percent of the citywide greenhouse gas emissions for the baseline year of 2016, and (2) By 2050, Salem should be carbon neutral. Over an 18-month time period, City staff worked with a consulting firm, a 41-member Task Force, and multiple stakeholders to produce a Climate Action Plan (CAP) for Salem. The CAP contains 183 strategies designed to reduce GHG emissions and to achieve the two Council-adopted GHG reduction goals. The CAP also provides measures for creating a resilient community and for addressing issues related to equity and inclusion.


The CAP will serve as a guide for actions over many years, actions that may include Council-directed implementation of new initiatives, programs, plans, partnerships, regulations, and projects.


The Salem CAP is available on the City website at: <>


The complete list of 183 strategies in the Salem CAP can be found in Appendix 8.    


                     Robert D. Chandler, PhD, PE     

                     Assistant Public Works Director    



1. Salem Climate Action Plan 2024 Annual Report.