TO: Mayor and City Council
THROUGH: Keith Stahley, City Manager
FROM: Brian D. Martin, PE, Public Works Director
Request to create a mid-year project for installation of a Perimeter Intrusion Detection System at the Salem Airport.
Ward(s): 2
Councilor(s): Nishioka
Neighborhood(s): SEMCA, SESNA
Result Area(s): Safe, Reliable and Efficient Infrastructure; Strong and Diverse Economy
To comply with the Airport Security Program, implemented October 2, 2023, the Transportation Security Administration has continued to urge the Salem Airport to place the Garmin Aviation Technologies campus and its 500+ employees outside of the Air Operations Area, either by installation of a physical fence or alternatively an electronic perimeter intrusion detection system (PIDS), often referred to as a “virtual fence.” This will save Garmin and the Airport from the cost and management of hundreds of airport ID badges and enhance perimeter security on the east and southeast side of the airport.
Shall City Council authorize the creation of a mid-year capital improvement project for the installation of a Perimeter Intrusion Detection System on the east side of the Salem Airport?
Authorize the creation of a mid-year capital improvement project for the installation of a Perimeter Intrusion Detection System on the east side of the Salem Airport.
• Estimated project cost is $100,000.
• The airport’s FY23-24 budget contains a line item for “Unanticipated Projects, the balance of which is approximately $125,000. This budget line item will fund the requested improvements.
• City Council approval is required to create a mid-year project that was not previously anticipated.
• The Transportation Security Administration and Garmin leadership are in favor of this solution. Once installed and operational, the Airport Security Plan will be amended as required by federal regulations.
• The system is designed to comply with and adhere to all relevant laws and regulations governing the use of surveillance and intrusion technologies, as well all privacy regulations, including masking areas that are not intended to be under surveillance or detection, and using anonymized data when possible.
The Garmin Aviation Technologies campus on the east side of the Salem Airport (see Attachment 1) encompasses approximately 20 acres of airport property and employs approximately 500 people, all of whom have unescorted access to the airside of the Garmin buildings. With such a large population it is costly and impractical for the Airport and Garmin to issue, audit, track, and return hundreds of airport security badges. The TSA’s suggested alternative is to place the entire Garmin campus outside of the AOA by means of a defined barrier, such as a chain-link fence. However, Garmin’s aircraft require access to the airfield for operations, so the fence would require a sliding gate large enough to allow their aircraft access to the airfield.
Engineering estimates for design, environmental review, and construction of a physical barrier and an aircraft access control gate are approximately $400,000 and the time to complete all the required project elements would likely place the project completion date into summer 2025. Given the large population of Garmin employees the access control solution must be as immediate, practical, and cost-efficient as possible.
Airports across the United States are beginning to implement electronic technology solutions to prevent, detect, and alert airport security to breaches of the airport boundary. Unlike a physical fence which can be breached without any immediate notification or response, a Perimeter Intrusion Detection System uses a combination of radar and thermal imagery technology to create a “virtual or geo-fence” which provides an immediate electronic alert to airport staff if it is breached by a person or a vehicle. Airport security staff can then immediately respond, track movements, and request law enforcement assistance, if warranted. The system also provides for remote alerts and viewing, so the opportunity for 24-hour surveillance and detection will exist.
John Paskell
Airport Manager
1. Attachment 1 - Project Location Map/Garmin AOA Boundary