TO: Mayor and City Council
THROUGH: Keith Stahley, City Manager
FROM: Brian D. Martin, PE, Public Works Director
Salem Civic Center Improvement Project - Pre-Design Report Update
Ward(s): All Wards
Councilor(s): All Councilors
Neighborhood(s): All Neighborhoods
Result Area(s): Safe, Reliable and Efficient Infrastructure
The 2022 City of Salem Safety and Livability General Obligation Bond includes $39.5 million for the construction of the Salem Civic Center Improvement Project. Work on the initial task of pre-design master planning is nearing completion and staff will provide a presentation on the findings.
Present City Council with an update on the progress of the planning effort by CBTwo Architects, City staff, and Councilor Nishioka who participated in all project status meeting for the Civic Center master plan pre-design report.
Information only.
Upon passage of the 2022 Safety and Livability Bond, CBTwo Architects was hired to lead a planning effort in preparation of the Civic Center Improvement project. The objective of this planning work was to identify project challenges, set project goals, and develop an overarching vision for the project. This effort was necessary to further evaluate the improvements provided for with the bond while thinking about how they fit into an overall plan for the Civic Center. When complete, the resulting report will be provided to a design-build team to reference while developing the design for the Civic Center project. This will allow the project team to consider elements of the overall vision while developing the project.
Some key elements developed so far in the planning process include:
• Resiliency, Safety, and Security - Preliminary analysis identified that the addition of concrete shear walls and other lateral bracing are the most likely way to retrofit the structure to meet a life-safety seismic performance standard. The design-build team will be responsible to analyze alternatives, verify performance, and provide a detailed design. Other physical security concepts have also been identified for further analysis by the design-build team.
• Creating an Inviting, Accessible and Modern Facility - Navigating to and through the Civic Center have been long-standing challenges to access City services. The report will provide concepts to help make finding one’s way more intuitive by suggesting clear, consolidated service points, improved circulation, and revitalized community spaces.
• Creating a 21st Century Work Environment - There have been several recent changes in the City organizational structure. The report will provide a flexible model for how space can be better organized to support the organization after construction.
The 2022 Safety and Livability Bond includes $39.5 million for a seismic retrofit of the building structure; replacement of skylights, windows, roofs, and back-up power systems; and the revitalization of Peace Plaza.
The final master plan pre-design report will be completed in January 2024. City staff will use this report while developing a request for proposals for a design-build contractor. A resolution to use the design-build contracting method will be presented to City Council in January. Staff will work to bring the design-build team on board in spring of 2024 with the goal of beginning design as soon as possible and starting construction in 2025. A steering committee is contemplated to provide regular council engagement in this work.
Allen Dannen, PE
City Engineer