TO: Mayor and City Council
THROUGH: Keith Stahley, City Manager
FROM: Kristin Retherford, Community and Urban Development Director
Deliberations only for City Council review for the appeal of Subdivision Tentative Plan, Urban Growth Area Preliminary Declaration, Class 3 Site Plan Review, four Class 2 Adjustments, Tree Regulation Variance, and Class 1 Design Review approval (Case No. SUB-UGA-SPR-ADJ-TRV-DR23-02) located at the 2100 Block of Doaks Ferry Rd NW.
No written or oral public testimony or comment will be taken at this meeting.
Ward(s): Ward 8
Councilor(s): Varney
Neighborhood(s): West Salem Neighborhood Association
Result Area(s): Welcoming and Livable Community
The public hearing was closed on July 24, 2023. The record was open until July 31st for new evidence, until August 7th for rebuttal testimony, and August 14th for the applicant’s final written argument.
The Planning Administrator issued a decision approving a consolidated application request for a proposed six-lot subdivision for Titan Hill Estates in conjunction with a proposed multi-family development of 436 units for Titan Hill Apartments, subject to conditions of approval. The West Salem Neighborhood Association (WSNA) appealed the Planning Administrator’s decision. City Council may affirm, modify, or reverse the Planning Administrator’s decision for Case No. SUB-UGA-SPR-ADJ-TRV-DR23-02.
Shall the City Council affirm, amend, or reverse the Planning Administrator’s decision to conditionally approve the consolidated application for Subdivision Tentative Plan, Urban Growth Area Preliminary Declaration, Class 3 Site Plan Review, four Class 2 Adjustments, Tree Regulation Variance, and Class 1 Design Review?
Affirm the Planning Administrator’s decision to conditionally approve the consolidated application for Subdivision Tentative Plan, Urban Growth Area Preliminary Declaration, Class 3 Site Plan Review, four Class 2 Adjustments, Tree Regulation Variance, and Class 1 Design Review.
1. On July 24, 2023, the City Council conducted a public hearing, received testimony, and closed the public hearing but left the record open for additional evidence and testimony and applicant’s final written argument. The original staff report and its attachments are available from the City’s website: <>.
2. The entire case record, including the applicant’s submittals, written statements, and professional studies; all evidence and testimony submitted into the record; and all staff reports and notices are available on the City’s online Permit Application Center at <>. You may use the search function without registering and enter the permit number listed here: 22 119071.
3. The record was left open until July 31, 2023 at 5:00 pm for anyone to provide additional written evidence or testimony. Staff’s response and all written testimony received during this open record period are included in Attachment 1.
4. The record was left open for any party to submit rebuttal to testimony given in the open record period until August 7, 2023 at 5:00 pm. Public comments received during this second open record period are included in Attachment 2.
5. The applicant’s final written argument is due on August 14, 2023 at 5:00 pm and will be provided to City Council and the public as soon as it is available.
The subject property is approximately 37 acres in total size, currently split-zoned RM-II (Multiple Family Residential) and MU-II (Mixed Use), and located at the 2100 Block of Doaks Ferry Rd NW. The proposal focuses on the multi-family development proposal of the RM-II zoned portion of the subject property, which was redesignated to Multiple Family Residential on the Salem Comprehensive Plan Map and rezoned to Multiple Family Residential (RM-II) in April of 2022. The rezone was requested by the developer, approved by the Planning Commission, and affirmed by the City Council.
Jamie Donaldson
Planner II
1. Memo of Open Record Comments received by July 31, 2023
2. Memo of Final Public Comments received by August 7, 2023