TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Legislative Committee
Updated priorities for 2023 Oregon Legislative Session and recommended positions on specific priority bills.
Ward(s): All Wards
Councilor(s): All Councilors
Neighborhood(s): All Neighborhoods
Result Area(s): Good Governance; Natural Environment Stewardship; Safe Community; Safe, Reliable and Efficient Infrastructure; Strong and Diverse Economy; Welcoming and Livable Community.
The 2023 Oregon Legislative Session is began January 17, 2023. In September 2022, the City Council approved a set of priorities to pursue during the session and policy statements to guide Salem’s response to draft legislation. When the subject of proposed legislation is outside the scope of the policy statements, the City Council’s Legislative Committee reviews bills identified as critical by City staff and recommends to City Council the position the City should take on critical bills.
Shall City Council approve an updated listing of City of Salem’s priorities and policy statements, and positions on specific bills for the 2023 Oregon Legislative Session.
Approve an updated listing of City of Salem’s priorities and policy statements, and positions on specific bills for the 2023 Oregon Legislative Session.
The Legislative Committee met on January 27, 2023 to consider an update to policy statements to guide Salem’s response to proposed legislation, and recommend positions on specific legislation. The Legislative Committee is comprised of Mayor Hoy and Councilors Stapleton, Nordyke, and Phillips. Councilor Nishioka serves as the alternate.
Change in Legislative Policy Statements. The Legislative Committee is recommending an adjustment to the Legislative Policy Statements (Attachment 1) to include support for legislation that would preserve affordable housing supply.
Add to Funding Priorities. Staff are requesting an additional priority related to commercial air service be added to the funding priorities for the session: sustain commercial air service at Salem Municipal Airport. The need is for $9.4 million to improve the customer experience, upgrade the terminal, and sustain the Salem Municipal Airport for commercial air service. Proposed improvements for which we may seek funding support include:
• Added gate seating and baggage claim area
• TSA screening area modifications
• ADA restroom upgrades
• Deferred building maintenance (roof, siding, fire alarm, etc.)
• 150 vehicle parking spaces, and
• Back-up power generator.
This proposal helps in supporting our community and the region in our emergency response. The Salem Municipal Airport terminal is designated a triage and aeromedical staging and operations area to evacuate patients by air to other facilities, and to intake personnel arriving to assist in the disaster response.
In September 2022, Council approved the following set of priorities for the 2023 session.
• Funds for River Road Slide Mitigation ($20 million, one-time)
• Funds for Peace Plaza public square ($2 million, one-time)
• Funds to sustain sheltering program ($9 million annually) and Navigation Center ($2.1 million annually); and
• Funds for a sobering center ($1 million for two years operations).
Recommended Positions: Specific Bills. During the regular session, when the subject of proposed legislation is outside the scope of the policy statements, the City's legislative bill review process includes three primary steps: (1) the City's position on individual bills of interest is proposed by staff; (2) the proposed position is reviewed and deliberated by the Council Legislative Committee, and (3) recommended to the City Council at the next City Council meeting. Staff bring updates to the Council throughout Session and provide a summary report at the Session's end.
The Legislative Committee is also recommending specific positions are approved for individual priority bills identified to-date (Attachment 2). As positions are developed for individual bills, staff recommend the City’s opposition (“O”) or support (“S”) for a bill. For a high priority bill with a fiscal or policy impact, classifying the bill with a “1” will allow for the Mayor, Councilors, and staff to work to support or oppose the bill. For medium priorities, a “2”, staff will watch for changes and may become involved if time and resources permit. A bill of little to no priority to Salem, given limited resources, these bills will be set aside and not referred to the Committee or Council unless amendments change their anticipated impact.
As positions are developed for individual bills, the Legislative Committee will recommend the City Council adopt positions in opposition or support. Before any official representing the City of Salem can attempt to influence legislation on an issue, the City Council must adopt a position related to that matter. To continue a coordinated and unified response during the upcoming session, and in accordance with Council Policy No. G-1, the Mayor and Councilor are asked to communicate the nature of their legislative contacts to staff via an email to Courtney Knox Busch ( <>). Staff will forward the communication to the City’s lobbyist, the Legislative Committee, and City Council as appropriate.
Courtney Knox Busch
Strategic Initiatives Manager
1. 2023 Legislative Policy Statements
2. Legislative Committee recommended positions on priority bills.