TO: Mayor and City Council
THROUGH: Kristin Retherford, Interim City Manager
FROM: Norman Wright, Community Development Director
Our Salem Project - Adopting the Salem Housing Needs Analysis.
Ward(s): All Wards
Councilor(s): All Councilors
Neighborhood(s): All Neighborhoods
Result Area(s): Natural Environment Stewardship; Safe Community; Safe, Reliable and Efficient Infrastructure; Strong and Diverse Economy; Welcoming and Livable Community.
Ordinance Bill No. 12-22 adopts the Salem Housing Needs Analysis as part of the Our Salem project.
Shall City Council pass Ordinance Bill No. 12-22?
Pass Ordinance Bill No. 12-22.
Ordinance Bill No. 12-22 (Attachment 1) adopts the Salem Housing Needs Analysis (HNA) as part of the Our Salem project. The Our Salem project includes changes to the Salem Comprehensive Plan Map that accommodate Salem’s projected multifamily housing need through 2035 in Salem’s portion of the urban growth boundary. The map changes are being concurrently adopted by the City Council. The City can therefore adopt the HNA, which is included in Exhibit A of the ordinance.
Overall, the Comprehensive Plan Map and zoning map changes provide more opportunities for a mix of housing types to be developed across Salem’s neighborhoods. Specifically, the map changes add land designated as Multi-Family Residential (MF) and zoned Multiple Family Residential-I (RM-I) or Multiple Family Residential-II (RM-II) throughout the Salem area, as opposed to concentrating it in one neighborhood. The map changes also encourage more housing near transit service by adding mixed use areas along Cherriots’ Core Network.
This addition of MF-designated land and MU-designated land is critical to Salem meeting its future housing needs. The HNA, completed in December 2014, projected a 207-acre deficit of multifamily land (or 2,897 units) in Salem’s portion of the UGB by 2035. This is based on an overall projected need for 7,299 multifamily housing units on Multifamily land between 2015 and 2035.
Staff analyzed the changes to the Comprehensive Plan Map and determined that with those changes - which are being concurrently adopted - Salem’s projected multifamily housing need through 2035 could be accommodated in Salem’s portion of the UGB. Staff made this determination after analyzing recent building permit data and the amount of vacant and partially vacant land that exists today under the Comprehensive Plan Map changes.
Findings demonstrating the proposal’s conformance with the applicable approval criteria are included in Exhibit B to the ordinance.
The City Council funded the Our Salem project in 2017. The funding followed the strategic planning process when the community identified the need to develop a vision for growth and development. Salem’s portion of the urban growth boundary is projected to continue adding residents and jobs through 2035, and the Our Salem project provided the community with an opportunity to guide how and where that growth occurs.
The City started the Our Salem project in the fall of 2018, working with a consultant team led by Fregonese Associates. The multi-year project has resulted in a proposed update to the Comprehensive Plan as well as proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan Map, zoning map, and zoning code.
Eunice Kim
Long Range Planning Manager
1. Ordinance Bill No. 12-22