TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Councilor Jose Gonzalez, Ward 5
Motion from Councilor Jose Gonzalez directing staff to create a separate process to allow Salem residents to obtain speed humps if certain criteria are met.
Ward(s): All Wards
Councilor(s): All Councilors
Neighborhood(s): All Neighborhoods
I move to direct staff to create an alternative process to allow Salem residents to obtain speed humps if certain criteria are met
The City’s current criteria for speed humps is:
1. The street must be a residential street,
2. There must be more than 600 vehicles per day, and
3. Over one half of the vehicles must be traveling over 25 mph.
The separate process would be in addition to, and not a replacement of the City’s current process. The alternative process would:
1. Be for local, residential streets only,
2. Not require a minimum number of vehicles per day,
3. Require only 25 percent of vehicles to be traveling over the posted speed limit,
4. Require the request come through the respective neighborhood association,
5. Require the City to consider equity in the request and timeline for completion, and
6. Require for recycled rubber speed humps to be available as an option. If that option is not yet available, city staff are directed to takes necessary steps to make it available.
Attachments: None.