TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Councilor Vanessa Nordyke, Ward 6
Motion from Councilor Vanessa Nordyke requesting information regarding a mobile crisis unit pilot project.
Ward(s): All Wards
Councilor(s): All Councilors
Neighborhood(s): All Neighborhoods
I move to direct staff to bring back to council a report regarding a mobile crisis unit pilot project.
The pilot project would be a civilian-led mobile crisis unit similar to CAHOOTS in Eugene to respond to calls for service involving persons experiencing homelessness or behavioral health crisis and would likely be for one year.
Staff is directed to consult with CAHOOTS of Eugene regarding what this pilot project could look like in our city.
Specifics to include in the staff report:
• Identify potential community partners (such as local non-profits, medical service providers, behavior health providers, local governmental entities)
• Identify potential funding sources (such as the $10.5 million grant we recently received from the state of Oregon)
• Identify estimated cost of pilot project (depending type of staff chosen and other factors)
• Identify potential service providers
• Identify who could hire and train mobile crisis unit personnel (The city? A local nonprofit? Someone else?)
• Identify potential types of staff (Peer support specialist, social worker, EMT, QMHP, etc.
• Identify how a civilian-led mobile crisis unit would fit alongside existing public safety programs (such as SPD BHU, Marion County LEAD, etc)
In making this motion, I am specifically directing staff to consult with CAHOOTS of Eugene what this pilot project could look like in our city.
I understand that depending on the type of staff hired, the cost of the pilot project may vary considerably. So in creating the staff report, my expectation is that staff will propose multiple scenarios with their own price tag. For example, I would expect having peer support specialist would be a lot cheaper than having an EMT or a registered nurse on the team.
The United Way submitted a proposal for a pilot project in the budget committee meetings earlier this year. That document estimated the pilot project costing $540,000. The United Way’s proposal may be an appropriate starting point for this proposal.