TO: Mayor and City Council
THROUGH: Steve Powers, City Manager
FROM: Peter Fernandez, PE, Public Works Director
Intergovernmental Agreement with Marion County for improvements to Center Street NE.
Ward(s): 6
Councilor(s): Hoy
Neighborhood(s): ELNA
Result Area(s): Safe, Reliable, and Efficient Infrastructure
The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), as a part of the Urban Surface Transportation Program (STP-U), awarded federal funds to Marion County and the City for roadway improvements to Center Street NE. The work will begin at Concord Street NE and extend to a point approximately 15 feet east of Mitchell Street NE, as shown on the attached Project Location Map (Attachment 1). Because the majority of the project is in Marion County, they agreed to take the lead role in delivering a single project on behalf of both agencies. This will result in a more consistent and cost-effective project that can be constructed by a single contractor.
Shall the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with Marion County for design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction of roadway improvements within the Salem city limits on Center Street NE?
Authorize the City Manager to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with Marion County for design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction of roadway improvements within the Salem city limits on Center Street NE.
The project will construct the first phase of improvements along the north side of Center Street NE as an interim three-lane section by adding curbs, sidewalks, a center turn lane, and bicycle lanes. Early discussions between ODOT, Salem-Keizer Area Transportation System, Marion County, and City staff concluded that Marion County would be best suited to lead the project because Marion County is responsible for approximately three-quarters of the project length and have staff available to provide the necessary services to complete the entire project. For Marion County to complete the work within the City limits, the attached Intergovernmental Agreement with Marion County (Attachment 2) needs to be executed.
Significant terms of the Intergovernmental Agreement are as follows:
• Marion County will begin design work in 2022. Construction is scheduled for 2023.
• The estimated cost for the City work to be performed is $321,513.
• The State will reimburse Marion County with Federal funds for up to $288,494 (89.73%) of the cost for the City work.
• The City’s estimated share of the cost is $33,019 (10.27%) and is included in the FY 2021-22 Capital Construction Budget. City labor costs will apply toward the match funding obligation.
• The City is solely responsible for costs incurred in excess of the project estimate.
• The City will actively participate in the design process by reviewing design plans at 30%, 60%, and 90% levels of completion.
The City Manager may execute amendments to the IGA if the following requirements are met: (1) The amendments do not substantially expand the City’s obligations; (2) The amendments do not broaden the scope of the agreement to other subjects; (3) The amendments do not increase the City’s financial obligations; and, (4) The amendments may extend the term or renew the IGA so long as any other changes to the IGA do not substantially expand the City’s obligations.
Marion County and the City have partnered on similar projects in the past with great success. The most recent project successfully completed was the widening of Brown Road NE.
Brian D. Martin, PE
City Engineer
1. Intergovernmental Agreement Number PW-4460-21
2. Project Location Map