TO: Mayor and City Council
THROUGH: Steve Powers, City Manager
FROM: Peter Fernandez, PE, Public Works Director
Project Request to Begin Design Activities for the Boone Road SE Sewer Extension East of Stroh Lane SE.
Ward(s): Ward 3
Councilor(s): Councilor Phillips
Neighborhood(s): Morningside
Result Area(s): Safe, Reliable, and Efficient Infrastructure
Shall City Council authorize the creation of a new wastewater project - “Boone Road SE Sewer Extension” in the FY 2020-21 Wastewater Non-Assessed Construction Fund 255, funded with utility rates?
Authorize the creation of a new wastewater project - “Boone Road SE Sewer Extension” in the FY 2020-21 Wastewater Non-Assessed Construction Fund 255, funded with utility rates.
Six residential properties within the City limits along Boone Road SE, east of Stroh Lane SE, have no ability to connect to the City of Salem’s sanitary sewer system. One of the property owners has a failing septic system and requested that the City construct a sewer main in Boone Road SE so they can connect their home to the new sewer main. Approval of the wastewater project will address this need and allow design activities to begin immediately.
• The project will extend an 8-inch sanitary sewer main approximately 600 feet along Boone Road SE, east of Stroh Lane SE, as shown in Attachment No. 1.
• The total estimated project cost for planning, design, and construction of the sanitary sewer extension is $310,000.
• The project will be funded with utility rates in the FY 2020-21 Wastewater Non-Assessed Construction Fund 255. There is sufficient budget and expenditure authority in the Wastewater Non-Assessed fund for this project.
Brian D. Martin, PE
City Engineer
1. Project Location Map