TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Legislative Committee
Priority bills for 2021 Oregon Legislative Session
Ward(s): All Wards
Councilor(s): All Councilors
Neighborhood(s): All Neighborhoods
Shall the City Council approve the City of Salem’s positions on legislative bills in the 2021 Oregon Legislative Session?
Approve the City of Salem’s positions on legislative bills in the 2021 Oregon Legislative Session.
During the regular session, when the subject of proposed legislation is outside the scope of the policy statements, City Council’s Legislative Committee reviews bills identified as critical by City staff. The Legislative Committee recommends to City Council the position the City should take on critical bills. Bills reviewed by the Legislative Committee on March 5, 2021 and recommended to the City Council are attached (Attachment 1).
The Oregon State Legislature convened January 20, 2021 for its regular session. Thousands of bills have been drafted and many await first reading.
The Legislative Committee is Mayor Bennett and Councilors Andersen, Hoy, and Lewis.
As positions are developed for individual bills, staff will use a system of prioritization to identify the City’s opposition (“O”) or support (“S”) for a bill. For a high priority bill with a fiscal or policy impact, classifying the bill with a “1” will allow for the City to work to support or oppose the bill. For medium priorities, a “2”, staff will watch for changes and may become involved if time and resources permit. Given limited resources, these bills will be set aside and not referred to the Committee or Council unless amendments change their anticipated impact.
Before any official representing the City of Salem can attempt to influence legislation on an issue, the City Council must adopt a position related to that matter. To continue a coordinated and unified response during the upcoming session, the Mayor and Councilor are asked to communicate the nature of their legislative contacts to staff via an email to Courtney Knox Busch ( <>). The email should identify the date of the legislative contact, the legislator(s) with whom contact was made, bill(s) discussed, and a summary of the position(s) and comments shared. Staff will forward the communication to the City’s lobbyist, the Legislative Committee, and City Council as appropriate.
Courtney Knox Busch
Strategic Initiatives Manager
1. Bills Reviewed by Legislative Committee - March 5, 2021