TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Steve Powers, City Manager
Priorities for Strategic Plan Update
Ward(s): All Wards
Councilor(s): All Councilors
Neighborhood(s): All Neighborhoods
Result Area(s): Result Areas - Good Governance; Natural Environment Stewardship; Safe Community; Safe, Reliable and Efficient Infrastructure; Strong and Diverse Economy; Welcoming and Livable Community.
Information for City Council discussion in preparation for Strategic Plan Update Work Session.
Information Only
At the November 16, 2020 work session, City Council will have the opportunity to reflect on progress made on the 2020 Policy Agenda, discuss feedback from community outreach and annual residential satisfaction survey, and consider adjustments to policy priorities for the update to the 2017 Strategic Plan. The work session will be facilitated by the consulting firm Moss Adams.
A desired outcome from the work session is consensus on objectives and strategies for the Strategic Plan Update to guide the organization for the next three to five years.
The November 16, 2020 and January 21, 2020 work sessions are Council’s opportunity to prepare the Strategic Plan Update and the 2021 Policy Agenda. City Council may identify priorities for staff to further develop in advance of the January 21, 2020 work session.
On September 14, 2020, outreach and engagement in the Strategic Plan Update began with a brief presentation <> to the City Council. Interviews with City Council and surveys of community members and staff have led to potential goal areas for the Strategic Plan update.
At the January Work Session, City Council will consider a draft strategic plan and identify priorities for implementation in the first year. The first-year priorities will become the 2021 Policy Agenda.
Progress Report
Through the annual City Council Policy Agenda, City Council makes its priorities clear to the City organization and the community. The 2020 Policy Agenda is part of an annual cycle of developing the budget, policy and program evaluation, financial forecasting, and reporting on progress. On October 12, 2020, City Council received a progress report on its priorities for 2020 <>, organized around six result areas from the Strategic Plan:
• Safe Community: complete new Salem Police Station, provide safety for bikers and walkers, prepare together for emergencies;
• Welcoming and Livable Neighborhoods: develop more affordable housing, provide aid to those experiencing homelessness, continue planning Our Salem, continue the Salem Public Library seismic and safety upgrade;
• Strong and Diverse Economy: focus economic activity in downtown, north downtown, and west industrial areas;
• Safe, Reliable and Efficient Infrastructure: continue to invest in safe drinking water, prepare asset management and bonding strategy;
• Natural Environment Stewardship: prepare Climate Action Plan; and
• Good Governance: connect and engage with our community, look at waste management fees, support revenue strategy for valued services, show progress with key performance indicators.
Community Satisfaction Survey
Also on October 12, 2020, the City Council received findings from the 2020 Community Satisfaction Survey <>. Consistent with responses since 2016, at least 8 of 10 residents are generally satisfied with the services the City provides like police and fire protection, parks and recreation, library, and water and sewer services.
Homelessness and affordable housing remain the top concern with half of the residents surveyed (49%). Residents also report dissatisfaction and see room for improvement in coordinating social services to serve needs of homeless in our community (67%) and ensuring that residents of all income levels have access to affordable housing (55%).
The Salem Strategic Plan <>, adopted by City Council in October 2017, articulates the mission, vision, values, and goals of the City. The plan charts a course for the City moving forward based on findings from an assessment of current conditions in our community, impacts of anticipated change in the region, and perspectives of residents, community leaders, and Council.
Courtney Knox Busch
Strategic Initiatives Manager