TO: Mayor and City Council
THROUGH: Steve Powers, City Manager
FROM: Norman Wright, Community Development Director
Oregon State Hospital National Register Historic District Boundary Revision
Ward(s): All Wards
Councilor(s): All Councilors
Neighborhood(s): All Neighborhoods
Result Area(s): Good Governance; Welcoming and Livable Community
Shall the City Council hold a public hearing on Ordinance Bill No. 15-19, amending Salem Revised Code (SRC) Chapter 230 to reflect approved changes to the boundary of the Oregon State Hospital National Register Historic District and removing the historic district from that portion of property located at 2575 Center Street NE consistent with the approved boundary revision.
Hold a public hearing on Ordinance Bill No. 15-19, amending Salem Revised Code (SRC) Chapter 230 to reflect approved changes to the boundary of the Oregon State Hospital National Register Historic District and removing the historic district from that portion of property located at 2575 Center Street NE consistent with the approved boundary revision.
The Oregon State Hospital Historic District was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2008 with the district roughly bounded by D Street NE on the north, Park Avenue NE on the east, 23rd Street NE on the west and Greenway Drive NE on the south. The Oregon State Hospital Replacement project in 2012 resulted in a significant change to the building configuration on the south side of Center Street NE and demolition, in 2017, of all four of the buildings north of Center Street NE and east of 25th Street NE.
In April 2019, the property owner, the Oregon State Department of Administrative Services (DAS), submitted a request to the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the National Park Service (NPS) to decrease the boundary of the Oregon State Hospital Historic District north of Center Street NE to exclude both the open space and the portion of the district where there are no longer existing buildings. The National Park Service approved the property owner’s request to reduce the boundary in August 2019.
The proposed amendments to SRC Chapter 230 (Historic Preservation), and the corresponding legislative zone change to remove the historic district from the portion of the property located at 2575 Center Street NE affected by the boundary change, align SRC Chapter 230 and the City's zoning map with the new National Park Service established historic district boundary.
Procedural Findings
1. Pursuant to SRC 300.1110(a)(3), legislative land use proceedings may be initiated by staff through preparation and placement of an ordinance bill on the City Council agenda for first reading. The City Council may schedule a public hearing on the ordinance bill, refer it to another Review Authority for review and recommendation, or decline to advance the ordinance bill to second reading. As provided under SRC 300.1110(b)(1), legislative land use proceedings require a least one public hearing.
2. Subsequent to initiation of the proposed amendments, notice of public hearing will be provided as required under SRC Chapter 300.
Proposed Changes
Ordinance Bill No. 15-19 (Attachment 1) amends the text and maps of SRC Chapter 230 (Historic Preservation), and correspondingly changes the zoning map, to reflect the approved changes to the boundary of the Oregon State Hospital Historic District.
Proposed amendments to SRC Chapter 230 include:
§ Revisions to remove references to the buildings that have been demolished, as well as the open space abutting D Street NE (SRC 230.058, Table 230-4).
§ A new map showing the revised boundaries of the historic district (SRC 230.200(e), Figure 230-6).
§ Updated language reflecting the reduction of remaining historic resources within the district from 76 to 40.
Kimberli Fitzgerald
Historic Preservation Officer
1. Ordinance Bill No. 15-19