File #: 16-085    Version: 1
Type: Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Urban Renewal Agency
On agenda: 6/27/2016 Final action: 6/27/2016
Title: Proposed Amendments to the North Gateway Urban Renewal Plan for Implementation of the Portland Road Corridor Action Plan Ward(s): Ward 5 Board Member(s): Dickey Neighborhood(s): Northgate
Attachments: 1. North Gateway Urban Renewal Plan (URA Plan), 2. Proposed Amendments to the URA Plan, 3. Resolution No. 16-4 URA
Related files:

TO:                      Urban Renewal Agency Board

THROUGH:                      Steve Powers, Executive Director

FROM:                      Kristin Retherford, Director, Urban Development Department




Proposed Amendments to the North Gateway Urban Renewal Plan for Implementation of the Portland Road Corridor Action Plan


Ward(s): Ward 5

Board Member(s): Dickey

Neighborhood(s):  Northgate





Should the Agency Board adopt Resolution No. 16-4 URA initiating amendments to the North Gateway Urban Renewal Plan (URA Plan) Sections 402, 601, 602, 603, and 1101 to:


(1)                     Add two new URA Plan objectives to Section 402;

(2)                     Amend Section 601C to modify the street improvements proposed for Portland Road in the URA Plan and add new projects and improvements recommended by the Portland Road Corridor Action Plan  to the list of eligible activities for URA funding;

(3)                     Amend Section 602 to eliminate the listing of future acquisition properties by Tax Map and Parcel Number;

(4)                     Amend Section 603 to remove a reference to properties specified for acquisition; and

(5)                     Amend Section 1101 to specify that changes to the URA Plan objectives and eligible project improvements are Minor Changes?





Adopt Resolution No. 16-4 URA initiating amendments to the North Gateway Urban Renewal Plan (URA Plan) Sections 402, 601C, 602, 603, and 1101 to:


(1)                     Add two new URA Plan two new objectives to Section 402;

(2)                     Amend Section 601 to modify the street improvements proposed for Portland Road in the URA Plan and add new projects and improvements recommended by the Portland Road Corridor Action Plan  to the list of eligible activities for URA funding; 

(3)                     Amend Section 602 to eliminate the listing of future acquisition properties by Tax Map and Parcel Number;

(4)                     Amend Section 603 to remove a reference to properties specified for  acquisition; and

(5)                     Amend Section 1101 to specify that changes to the URA Plan objectives and eligible project improvements are Minor Changes.





Initiation and Adoption of the Portland Road Corridor Action Plan


The North Gateway Urban Renewal Plan (URA Plan) was adopted by the City Council on December 10, 1990, with the goal of eliminating blight and depreciating property values in the more than 900 acre area (Attachment 1).


In November 2014, the Salem Urban Renewal Agency Board (Agency Board) initiated the Portland Road Corridor Action Plan (Action Plan) to evaluate and prioritize future North Gateway Urban Renewal investments. Between late 2014 and early 2016, the Draft Action Plan was developed with the help of two consulting firms, and a broad public involvement process.   


On March 28, 2016, the Agency Board unanimously approved the Action Plan report and recommendations, prioritizing urban renewal funds in the North Gateway Urban Renewal Area. In approving the Action Plan, the Agency Board directed staff “…to identify and prepare those measures needed to implement the Action Plan for Agency Board review.”


Projects must be listed in the URA Plan to be eligible for URA funding. The proposed URA Plan amendments (Attachment 2) allow implementation of the approved Action Plan. Some amendments are also recommended to more effectively administer the URA Plan.


The proposed URA Plan amendments do not amend the Salem Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Plan Map or any other elements of the Plan. The amendments to Section 601 of the URA Plan expand the list of objectives and improvement activities that may be funded with urban renewal funds. These additions to Section 601 are consistent with the corresponding sections identified in Section IV of the Salem Comprehensive Policies Plan (Attachment 3) and further the objectives of that Plan.


Approval of the Proposed Amendments


Sections 1100-1103 of the North Gateway Urban Renewal Plan (URA Plan) set forth the procedures for amendments to the Plan. Section 1100 provides, for “minor amendments”;


Section 1100 describes what changes are considered “minor amendments,” and provides that minor amendments may be adopted through Urban Renewal Agency Board resolution.


Section 1103 provides, in part;


“This Urban Renewal Plan may be modified after adoption by the Agency, provided that such modification must be submitted to City Council with the recommendations of the North Gateway Redevelopment Advisory Board. Where modifications will substantially change the Plan as approved by the City Council, the modifications must similarly be approved by City Council with recommendations from the affected neighborhood organization and the Salem Planning Commission in the same manner as the original Plan.”


The proposed changes go beyond the scope of “minor amendments” and therefore, the changes were presented to the Planning Commission, the Northgate Neighborhood Association, and the North Gateway Redevelopment Advisory Board for review before being presented to the Agency Board and City Council.


On June 2, 2016, the North Gateway Redevelopment Advisory Committee reviewed the amendments and recommended the City Council to approve them.

On June 7, 2016, the Planning Commission reviewed the amendments and made a recommended the City Council to approve them.

On June 8, 2016, the Northgate Neighborhood Association reviewed the amendments and recommended the City Council approve them.




Amendments to Section 402


Finding 1: The Action Plan was completed and adopted in March 2016. It contains recommended projects and actions that require amendment of the URA Plan to be implemented. Amendments to Section 402 of the URA Plan add two additional objectives to those listed. The additions to Section 402 are underscored in the text below.


402.                      Objectives to accomplish its mission the Agency will develop and implement an urban renewal program known as the North Gateway Urban Renewal Plan, the objectives of which are:


                     S.  To maintain sufficient levels of funding and adequate grant and loan limits to encourage developer investments.  


                     T.  To promote the unique and positive characteristics of the North Gateway Urban Renewal Area through branding and/or targeted marketing material that highlights the area’s strengths, key businesses, and opportunities. Strengthen the North Gateway/Portland Road Corridor Identity.



Conclusion: the proposed amendments implement the recommendations adopted in the Action Plan.


Amendments to Section 601C


Finding 2: Amendments to Section 601 of the URA Plan modify the description of existing projects, including for Portland Road improvements, and add new projects recommended by the Action Plan.


The added text in Section 601 C. is underscored.  Deleted text is marked with a strikethrough.


601.                      Urban Renewal Projects and Improvement Activities


C.                      With funds available to it, the Salem Urban Renewal Agency may fund in full, in part, a proportionate share, or cause to be funded the following designated projects and activities:


1.                     Street and Related Work:


a.                     Portland Road - Claxter Road to Sunnyview Road. Full boulevard and related improvements, including undergrounding of electrical power and communication systems. See Exhibits 5 and 7 in the Urban Renewal Plan. Sidewalk installation and related bicycle and pedestrian improvements, including installation of mid-block crossings with flashing beacons or other signal devices. Streetscape improvements, including near the corner of Bill Frey Drive and Northgate Avenue.  Also see Item 9 below.


                     13.  Food-related Manufacturing and Businesses- Promote the development of a Public Market, Food Incubator, Food Hub or Supermarket in the Portland Road Corridor.


14.  Commercial/Industrial Flex-space, Housing, and Mixed Use - Use targeted property acquisition and financial incentives to encourage developer investment in high need/demand uses, including those identified above.


15.  Workforce and Affordable Housing- Connect residential developers to a range of housing incentives and explore new models for developing housing.


16.  Restructure Financial Incentives to Better Serve Businesses, Developers, and Property Owners- Expand the financial incentives and funding available within the North Gateway Urban Renewal Area by modifying existing North Gateway Toolbox Grant and Loan Programs and offering new programs.


17.  Strengthen the Identity of the North Gate Urban Renewal Area- Promote the unique and positive characteristics of the North Gateway Urban Renewal Area with installation of way-finding or entry way signage and related activities. Work with partners to pursue broader marketing and branding of the area.


Conclusion: the proposed amendments are consistent with recommendations contained in the Action Plan.


Amendments to Sections 602, 603


602. Acquisition of Real Property


Sections 602 A. and B. give the Agency Board the authority to acquire real property within the Urban Renewal Area. This amendment updates Section 602 C. by removing the specific list of acquisition properties found in Section 602 C. These properties are currently listed by map and parcel number. Many of the listed properties have been acquired and redeveloped since they were first listed in 1990. Parcel numbers for other properties have changed through land division or consolidation and are no longer accurate.


Identifying specific properties in advance of negotiations for acquisition places the Agency at a disadvantage when negotiating for purchase.   


A minor amendment to Section 603 is recommended to facilitate the removal of references to property specific listings.


The added text in Section 602 C. and 603 are underscored. Deleted text is marked with a strikethrough.


C. Property Which May Be Acquired. In order to accomplish the objectives of this Plan, the Agency may acquire certain real property. Such property which may be acquired is shown on Exhibits 8A, 8B, and 8C of Part 2 of this Plan and includes:


1.                      Property Which May be Acquired to Eliminate Blight:


a.                      Tax Map 7-3W-01DB:

Parcels: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1700, 1800 and 1900. (Amended by Res. 06-8 URA)


b.                     Tax Map 7-3W-14AA: Parcels: 400, 500, 800, 900 and 1100.


c.                     Tax Map 7-3W-14AD: Parcels: 100, 200 and 300.


d.                     Tax Map 7-3W-13BB: Parcel: 3800


e.                      Tax Map 7-3W-14DC: Parcels: 3500 and 3600


f.                      073W01DB02200, 073W01DB02300, 073W01DB02400 (Phyllis Street properties)


g.                      073W14DB02300 (2321 Fairgrounds Road)


h.                      073W14DB02100, 073W14DB02200 (2313 Fairgrounds Road)


i.                      073W14DC10500 (2307-2311 Fairgrounds Road)


j.                      073W14DC10400 (2303 Fairgrounds Road)


2.                      Property Which May be Acquired for Transportation Improvements:


a.                      Project listed in Section 601-C-1-b - Northgate Avenue Extension.

Tax Map 7-3W-12CA, Parcels 3300 and 3400.


b.                      Project listed in Section 601-C-1-c - Industrial Way Extension. Tax Map 7-3W-14AA, Parcels 1700 and 1800. Tax Map 7-3W-11DD, Parcels 300 and 400. Tax Map 7-3W-12CC, part of Parcel 1600.


c.                      Project listed in Section 601-C-1-d - Salem Industrial Drive Extension. Tax Map 7-3W-11DA, parts of Parcel 100 (City owned) and 200. Tax Map 7-3W-12, part of parcel 100. Tax Map 7-3W-12B, parts of Parcels 1800, 1900, 2000 (City owned), 2100 and 2100A1.


d.                      Project listed in Section 601-C-1-e - Mainline Drive to Tandem Avenue. Tax Map 7-3W-11DA, part of Parcel 1100 (City owned)


e.                      Project listed in Section 601-C-1-d - Johnson Street Realignment. Tax Map 7-3W-14AC - all or parts of parcels 500, 3400, 3500, 3600, 3601, 3700, 3900, 4000, 4100, 4200


f.                      Project listed in Section 600(C)(1)(t) - Pine Street Extension: 073W14DA00200, 073W14DA00400, 073W14DA00300, 073W14DA00700, 073W14DB00101, 073W14DB00200, 073W14DB00300, 073W14DB00100


3.                      Property Which May be Acquired for North Gateway Tourist Information Center.


a.                      Tax Map 7-3W-12AC, Parcels 1900 and 2000.


4.                      Property Which May be Acquired for Community (Neighborhood) Center


a.                      073W12DB04000 (3980 Portland Road)


5.                      Property Which May be Acquired for Mixed-Use Development Project(s)


a.                      Pine Street/Highland Mixed-Use Area:

073W14DB00200, 073W14DB00300, 073W14DB00101, 073W14DB00100, 073W14DB00600, 073W14DB01300, 073W14DB01100, 073W14DB00900, 073W14DB00800, 073W14DB00700, 073W14DB00500, 073W14DB00400, 073W14DC10300.


b.                      Northgate Avenue Mixed-Use Area:

073W12CD00600, 073W12CD00500, 073W12CD00400, 073W12CA03500, 073W12CA03700


6.                      Property Which May be Acquired for Park and Recreation Facility


a.                      073W1200100, 073W12B01900


(Section 602 C-1, Amended by Ord. No. 19-96) (Section 602 C.1.a. Amended by Res 06-6 URA) (Section 602 C-1, Amended by Res. No. 06-19) (Section 602 C-6, Amended by Res No. 07-12)


603. Agency’s Procedures for Identifying Property to Be Acquired


Projects and activities listed in Section 601-C or 602 above may require acquisition of property.  not identified by the Agency as of the effective date of this Plan. However, should  When the Agency find and determines that property acquisition in conjunction with such listed projects or activities is required, the Agency shall approve a minor amendment complying with Section 1101 of this Plan. Such minor amendment shall consist of an approved resolution by the Agency identifying such acquisition and shall include a map or maps describing the property to be acquired. Such approved minor amendment shall be assigned an appropriate exhibit number and shall be incorporated into Part 2 of this Urban Renewal Plan. The Agency may then proceed with the acquisition process.


Amendments to Section 1101


Finding 3: The proposed amendments expand the definition of “Minor Changes” found in Section 1101 to include changes in URA Plan objectives and eligible project activities. 


The added text in Section 1101 is underscored.  Deleted text is marked with a strikethrough.


1101 Minor Changes


Minor changes may include:


A.                     Clarification of language or the State Legislature’s changes in ORS Chapter and Section references;


B.                     Clarification or addition of definitions or written or graphic Exhibits to this Plan;


C.                     Modification of the objectives of this Plan described in Section 402 where the modification(s) is consistent with the Mission Statement as stated in Section 401 of this Plan.


D.                     Modification of eligible project improvements described in Section 601 where the modification(s) is consistent with the objectives of this Plan as stated in Section 402. 


C. E.                     Modification in the location of project improvements authorized by this Plan, resulting from detailed architectural, engineering, or planning analysis;


D. F.                     The identification of property to be acquired as provided for in Sections 601-C, 602 and 603 of this Plan. Such minor changes, if any, shall be made only by a duly approved resolution of the Agency in which the details of the minor change shall be described.


Conclusion: The proposed amendments expand the list of minor changes to the URA Plan to include modification of the objectives and eligible project improvements in Section 1101. 


Consistency with the Salem-Keizer Comprehensive Plan


Finding 4: The proposed URA Plan amendments do not make changes to the Comprehensive Plan or the Comprehensive Plan Map.  The Salem Comprehensive Plan is composed of several components, including the following:



                     Comprehensive Policies Plan

                     Salem Transportation System Plan

                     Comprehensive Parks System Master Plan

                     Willamette Greenway Plan

                     Adopted Neighborhood Plans

                     Public Facilities Plan

                     Salem Area Wastewater Management Plan

                     Stormwater Master Plan

                     Water System Master Plan



                     Comprehensive Plan Map


                     Urban Growth Boundary Map

                     Urban Service Area Map


Finding 5: Section 403 states the URA Plan “…is intended to further the objectives of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Further, within the Renewal Area, this Plan is intended to improve land uses, traffic flow, off-street parking, pedestrian and other visual amenities, the water, sewer and storm drain systems, other public improvements and to encourage existing businesses to expand and new businesses to develop.”


Finding 6: The amendments are consistent with Urban Area Goals and Policies that are part of the Salem Comprehensive Policies Plan, including:



o                     Section IV-E. page 30.


                     The Economy and Employment:

o                     Section IV-F. Mixed Use Development, page 33;

o                     Section IV-G. Commercial Development, page 34; 

o                     Section IV-H. Economic Development, page 36;

o                     Section IV-I. Industrial Development, page 39.


                     Public Facilities and Services

o                     Section IV-J. Transportation, page 40. 


Finding 7: Section 404 states that the URA Plan “…has been prepared in conformity with the City’s adopted Comprehensive Plan including its goals, policies, procedures and implementing provisions.” The proposed URA Plan amendments do not propose policies or actions which conflict with the Comprehensive Plan Policies or require its amendment. The amendments implement policies that will further the objectives of the City’s Comprehensive Plan.


Conclusion: The proposed URA Plan amendments outlined in Resolution No. 16-4 URA (Attachment 4) do not amend the Salem Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Plan Map or any other component of the Plan. The amendments to Section 601C of the URA Plan expand the list of objectives and improvement activities that may be funded with urban renewal funds. These additions are consistent with the corresponding sections in Section IV of the Salem Comprehensive Policies Plan and further the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan.




If the Agency Board initiates approval of the North Gateway URA Plan amendments those will be forwarded to the City Council for approval, also on the agenda tonight. Additional actions will be required to fully implement the Portland Road Corridor Action Plan. These actions are also on the Agency agenda tonight and include: 


                     Amendments to the North Gateway Toolbox Grant Program policies to increase grant amount and add flexibility to expand eligibility.

                     Approval of the budget to begin implementing short term recommendations identified in the Action Plan.



                     Mark Metzger

                     Project Coordinator



1.  North Gateway Urban Renewal Plan (URA Plan)

2.  Proposed Amendments to the URA Plan

3.  Salem Comprehensive Policies Plan-November 2015

4.  Resolution No. 16-4 URA



