TO: Mayor and City Council
THROUGH: Steve Powers, City Manager
FROM: Norman Wright, Community Development Director
Collection Development Report and Salem Public Library Advisory Board Update
Ward(s): All Wards
Councilor(s): All Councilors
Neighborhood(s): All Neighborhoods
Service Area(s): Welcome and Livable Neighborhood
Information only.
The Salem Public Library Advisory Board (LAB) at their June 12, 2019, meeting reviewed the May collection development tracking report (Exhibit 1). LAB recommends that administration of the collection development policy resume.
LAB found the collection grew in the month of May. A majority of the materials evaluated were not removed. Of the small percentage of items removed, many of these items are still accessible in the Library or through the Chemeketa Cooperative Regional Library Service, or are superseded by newer editions.
On April 22, 2019, Council directed that there be no actual removal of adult nonfiction books for any reason other than condition until Council reviews the May tracking report along with any recommendations of staff or the LAB.
The findings of the report are highlighted in the following tables:

All items that went through collection processes during May. “Review” means items identified via data-driven criteria to be evaluated by staff. “Snags” means items that have been identified by patrons or staff as having taken damage and which go through a decision tree to determine next steps of repair/replace/withdrawal and/or further evaluation.

This chart is not in Exhibit 1, but highlights the same information specifically for adult nonfiction. “Review” means items identified via data-driven criteria to be evaluated by staff. “Snags” means items that have been identified by patrons or staff as having taken damage and which go through a decision tree to determine next steps of repair/replace/withdrawal and/or further evaluation.
The data demonstrates the dynamic nature of the Salem Public Library collection. The total collection size grew by 0.8% in May with an increase of 2,061 items. Additionally, the total adult nonfiction collection increased by 16 items. Total withdrawals from the Library collection for all reasons, including the automated processes of snags and magazines, numbered 1,398, while 3,719 items were added. Examples of the items removed and the reasoning behind withdrawal can be found on pages one and two of Exhibit 1.
LAB, following review and discussion of the data in the May tracking report, voted unanimously to express the following statement to Council:
“The Library Advisory Board continues to support the Collection Development Policy presented to the LAB during their August 2018 meeting as written. Furthermore, the Board supports the professional trained and skilled librarians as they implement the policy to provide a broad, vibrant, and diverse collection for the Salem community.”
This statement is offered in addition to the standing recommendation of LAB, as formulated at its February 2019 meeting. That recommendation:
“Salem Public Library administration continue full implementation of the Library’s Collection Development Policy as had been conducted prior to the December 2018 limited stoppage of weeding efforts.”
The May tracking report is based on a staff recommendation to the Library Advisory Board stating, “In order to increase transparency, we recommend doing detailed spreadsheet tracking in May 2019 and creating a detailed report. This report would include the percentage of items withdrawn for condition versus lack of use, etc., as well as examples providing the full picture of decisions made by staff. The sample would include not only items that are withdrawn, but also those that are pulled for review and put back on the shelf, sent to mending, etc., to more accurately reflect the collection maintenance decisions being made.”
Sarah Strahl
City Librarian
1. May Detail Collection Tracking Report and Aggregated Data