File #: 19-48    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance First Reading Status: Tabled
In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/8/2019 Final action:
Title: Revisions to Salem Revised Code Chapter 102- Parking Ward(s): All Wards Councilor(s): All Councilors Neighborhood(s): All Neighborhoods Result Area(s): Good Governance
Attachments: 1. Ordinance Bill No. 2-19, 2. Exhibit A to Ordinance Bill No. 2-19
Related files: 19-174, 19-223

TO:                      Mayor and City Council   

THROUGH:                      Steve Powers, City Manager   

FROM:                      Kristin Retherford, Urban Development Director  





Revisions to Salem Revised Code Chapter 102- Parking


Ward(s): All Wards    

Councilor(s): All Councilors    

Neighborhood(s):  All Neighborhoods    

Result Area(s): Good Governance  





Shall the City Council conduct first reading of Ordinance Bill No. 2-19 (Attachment 1), amending Salem Revised Code Chapter 102. - Parking, and advance to second reading for enactment?    






Conduct first reading of Ordinance Bill No. 2-19 amending Salem Revised Code Chapter 102 - Parking, and advance to second reading for enactment.    





The proposed Ordinance Bill No. 2-19 amends SRC 102.005 (Parking Definitions) by limiting loading zone parking to 30 minutes and revising the definition of off-street parking.  Salem Revised code section 102.035 (Method of Parking) clarifies angled parking requirements. Section 102.040 (k) (Prohibited Parking) prohibits the parking of a motor vehicle with expired motor vehicle registration and Section 102.040 (p) would prohibit residents who live within one quarter mile of the downtown parking district boundary from parking in a City owned off-street parking facility without a permit. Section 102.045 (Prohibited Parking in Downtown Parking District) expands the prohibition of parking in an off-street parking facility to 24 hours a day without a permit and Section102.085 (Parking for persons with disabilities) adds “Oregon Wounded Warrior” to parking for persons with disabilities.  





The proposed amendments to SRC 102 - Parking, are set forth in Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 2-19 (Attachment 2) and listed below:


1.                     102.005. Definitions.

Loading zone means a designated parking area reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading or unloading of passengers or cargo for a period of time not to exceed 30 minutes.


Off-Street parking facility means any building, structure, land or facility used for off-street parking of motor vehicles parking facility established pursuant to ORS 223.805-223.845


2.                     102.035. Method of parking.

(c)                     A vehicle which is parked in an angled parking zone or in an angled off-street parking space shall be parked headed toward the nearest curb or edge of the roadway or curb stop or edge of the painted marking. a marked parking zone shall be parked headed toward the nearest curb or edge of the roadway.


3.                     102.040. Prohibited parking.

(k)                     Any junk motor vehicle as described in SRC 50.025(a)(25) on a street, or in an off street parking facility. Any motor vehicle in a parking zone, alley, landscape strip or in an off-street parking facility, with expired registration as described in ORS 803.455(a);


(p)                     Any vehicle owned by a person whose residence is located within one quarter mile of the Downtown Parking District boundary in a City owned off-street parking facility without City issued parking permit.


4.                     102.045. Prohibited parking in Downtown Parking District.

(d)                     Except when authorized by a valid parking permit, the following persons may not park a motor vehicle in the Downtown Parking District in any on-street parking zone or in an off-street parking facility, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. or in an off-street parking facility, 24 hours a day, except Sundays and legal holidays:



5.                     102.085. Parking for persons with disabilities; parking violation of disabled parking laws prohibited.

(a)                         Pursuant to ORS 811.635(2), a person holding a “Wheelchair User” or “Oregon Wounded Warrior” placard or decal, or another person while transporting its holder to or from the parking location, may:


The proposed amendments to SRC 102 - Parking will not have budgetary or operational impacts.    




The amendments to the parking code are proposed to improve parking code definition clarity for the public, and parking enforcement, and to address and manage increased on and off-street parking demand. An amendment to incorporate the recent legislation for disabled veterans who qualify for the “Oregon Wounded Warrior” disabled placard is included.


Parking Services staff enforce parking code City wide. People who receive citations commonly have questions regarding the parking code. The proposed amendments provide clarification to help the public better understand parking code.


Downtown Salem is experiencing an increase in private development. Currently proposed projects include a mix of uses including housing, which will increase the demand for on and off-street City parking resources. In addition, future development of the Union Gospel, Saffron sites, and the former Nordstrom Building may also increase the demand for parking resources in downtown.


The Commercial Business District (CBD) zoning district requirement for buildings with housing is one parking space for every housing unit developed. Because it can be challenging with site constraints and financial costs to build on-site structured parking and recover those costs through rental rates, developers are requesting parking adjustments or considering City structured parking resources through an agreement as a solution to meet their on-site parking needs.


Without a paid on-street parking system that would incent utilization of the free off-street parking resources, or a permit requirement for residents currently utilizing the parking garages for long term parking for free, these users are not contributing to the cost to operate and maintain the City parking resources. If the proposed revisions are approved, residents who live within one-quarter mile of the Downtown Parking District boundary will be prohibited from parking in a City garage without a parking permit. This boundary includes Pringle Parkade which is a City parking resource outside of the Downtown Parking District but within the one-quarter mile parameter. Staff will be sharing the proposed permit changes with the CANDO neighborhood association in March 2019.


The permit requirement will allow staff to manage the supply and demand for parking spaces in the parking garages and vehicle contact information for parking communications.


The permit costs will be the same as what is available to employees. This revenue will go towards the operations and maintenance of the parking structures.


If approved, the changes will be communicated as follows:


1)                     City website will be updated.

2)                     A communication will be created that summarizes the changes and location for purchasing permits. This communication will be sent to property owners with housing units, off-street vehicles that have been identified as potential residents in downtown, and posted at the elevator entrances in parking garages.

3)                     A warning will be issued, instead of a parking citation, for the first violation as an additional education tool. All future parking violations will be cited.



                     Sheri Wahrgren   

                     Downtown Revitalization Manager    



1.                     Ordinance Bill No. 2-19

2.                     Exhibit A to Ordinance Bill No. 2-19