TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Historic Landmarks Commission
Annual Historic Landmarks Commission Report to the City Council
Ward(s): All Wards
Councilor(s): All Councilors
Neighborhood(s): All Neighborhoods
The Historic Landmarks Commission 2017 Accomplishments and 2018 Work Plan.
Information Only.
The Historic Landmarks Commission (HLC) is responsible for encouraging the preservation of Salem historic resources which merit official recognition. They do this by providing a process for review of proposed alterations and demolitions of designated resources and new construction in historic districts. They also review and make recommendations to the Council on the designation of new resources. Their work implements the policies contained in the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan and Statewide Planning Goals for the preservation of historic resources. The attached report contains the Commission’s 2017 Accomplishments and 2018 Work Plan.
The HLC is comprised of nine members appointed by the Mayor. As a Certified Local Government (CLG), it is required that a majority of the members meet the United States Secretary of Interior’s Historic Preservation Qualifications Standards, to the extent that candidates are available in the community. Professional fields for consideration may include archaeology, architectural history, conservation, cultural anthropology, curation, engineering, folklore, historic architecture, historic landscape architecture, historic preservation, historic preservation planning, and history. Five members of the HLC currently meet these qualification standards. The professional positions are held by an archaeologist, architect, landscape architect, historian and a project manager. The at-large positions include a planner, a state construction project manager and two residents with a general interest in historic preservation.
The HLC has prepared their 2017 Accomplishments and 2018 Work Plan (Attachment 1). The report highlights many of the Commission’s 2017 achievements as well as their plans for projects in the coming year.
Kimberli Fitzgerald, AICP
Historic Preservation Officer
1. HLC 2017 Accomplishments and 2018 Work Plan.
2. HLC Roster