TO: Mayor and City Council
THROUGH: Steve Powers, City Manager
FROM: Peter Fernandez, PE, Public Works Director
Pedestrian and vehicular safety options on Fisher Road NE, between Sunnyview Road NE and Silverton Road NE
Ward(s): 6
Councilor(s): Councilor Hoy
Neighborhood(s): NOLA
A report on issues and options for improving pedestrian and vehicular safety on Fisher Road NE.
Information Only.
Residents have expressed concerns about pedestrian and vehicular safety on Fisher Road NE. There was a pedestrian fatality in March 2017. Traffic volumes are increasing, and there is concern that vehicle speeds may be excessive. On August 28, 2017, Council directed staff to prepare a report on options to improve pedestrian and vehicular safety on Fisher Road NE.
Fisher Road NE is classified as a collector street in the Salem Transportation System Plan (TSP), which means it is designated to distribute traffic between neighborhoods, activity centers, and arterial streets while providing access to local properties. Much of Fisher Road is a narrow, unimproved 22-foot street with one lane in each direction without curbs, sidewalks, bike lanes, or streetlights. The speed limit is posted 25 mph. Attachment 1 is an aerial map showing the location and area surrounding Fisher Road NE.
1. The two major intersections on Fisher Road NE are Beverly Avenue NE and Devonshire Avenue NE. Both of these streets are currently stop-controlled at Fisher Road NE.
2. Adding all-way stop signs at Beverly and at Devonshire was evaluated. All-way stop signs are evaluated against warrants, or criteria, of an average of 500 vehicles per hour entering the intersection and 25 percent of the traffic entering from the side street, an average of four crashes per year over a three-year period, and 160 feet of visibility at the intersection. Only one of these criteria needs to be met for an all-way stop control.
a. The intersection of Fisher Road NE at Beverly Avenue NE has 606 vehicles per hour with 30 percent of the traffic entering from Beverly Avenue NE. This warrant is met.
b. The intersection of Fisher Road NE at Devonshire Avenue NE has 918 vehicles per hour entering the intersection, with 33 percent of the traffic entering from Devonshire Avenue NE. This warrant is met.
c. From 2014 through 2016, there was an average of 1.3 crashes per year (four total crashes) at the intersection of Fisher Road NE at Beverly Avenue NE, and an average of one crash per year (three total crashes) at the intersection of Fisher Road at Devonshire Avenue NE. This warrant is not met.
d. The visibility at both intersections exceeds 160 feet. This warrant is not met.
3. The 85th-percentile speed is used to determine the speed at which a “reasonable” driver is comfortable traveling. This speed is used by the Oregon Department of Transportation for setting the speed limit of a road. A traffic speed count was conducted on Fisher Road NE south of Empress Way NE. The 85th-percentile speed in this posted 25 mph zone was 33.2 mph southbound and 33.9 mph northbound.
a. This 85th-percentile speed indicates speeding is an issue. The City could use this information to request a higher speed limit, but staff do not recommend changing the speed limit.
b. Because Fisher Road NE is classified as a Collector Street in the Salem TSP and because it is used as an emergency response route, installation of speed humps is not allowed by City guidelines.
4. The absence of street improvements-sidewalks, bike lanes, and street lights-compromises pedestrian and bicycle safety, both alongside Fisher Road NE and when crossing Fisher Road NE.
All-way stop signs will be installed on Fisher Road NE at Beverly Avenue NE and at Devonshire Avenue NE.
Speed radar signs will be installed on Fisher Road NE, for both northbound and southbound traffic, between Beverly Avenue NE and Sunnyview Road NE.
Council consider Fisher Road NE a high priority for street improvements (street widening, curbs, sidewalks, and street lighting) in a future transportation bond measure.
Robert Chandler, PhD, PE
Assistant Public Works Director
1. Aerial map of Fisher Road