TO: Mayor and City Council
THROUGH: Steve Powers, City Manager
FROM: Mike Niblock, Fire Chief
2017 Eclipse City Planning and Preparedness
Ward(s): All Wards
Councilor(s): All Councilors
Neighborhood(s): All Neighborhoods
2017 Eclipse City Planning and Preparedness Update
Information only.
The Salem Fire Department is coordinating a city wide Emergency Management Planning and Preparedness process focused specifically on the 2017 Eclipse. This process seeks to utilize data to more clearly define the risk profile within the City of Salem associated with the 2017 Eclipse. The process will utilize data to inform decisions regarding the appropriate reasonable preemptive actions to reduce risk within the City of Salem, and to be reasonably prepared to respond to an emergency event.
City departments and regional agencies have been conducting emergency management planning and preparedness for the 2017 Eclipse.
Working groups include:
1. External Communications (Public Information Officers):
a. Coordinates with other external stakeholders in the dissemination of information and a common message to the public. Will include dissemination of information from the City of Salem during the event.
2. Internal Communications (GIS and Information Services):
a. Serves as the central repository for collected data and as the conduit for dissemination to internal stakeholders. Coordinates internal communication .
3. Parks and Parking (Public Works and Parks):
a. Coordinate data collection and planning for city parks and parking structures.
4. Transportation (Public Works, Police Department, and Fire Department):
a. Coordinate traffic planning for the event.
5. Risk Reduction (Fire Department and Police Department):
a. Coordinate risk reduction and emergency response planning for the event.
Current Activities:
Salem Fire Department:
1. Operation Safe Stay Salem
a. Working with the Salem Chamber of Commerce and local hoteliers to complete fire inspection of properties, ensure emergency planning is complete, and harvest data regarding occupancy rates for the event.
b. Citizen Community Emergency Response Team
i. Preparing the CERT to assist in data collection and to prepare for the event based on the neighborhood served.
Salem Public Works Department:
1. Developing plan to pre-stage resources in West Salem and deployment to city parks.
2. Collecting and analyzing data related to events in city parks and other locations.
Ongoing Planning:
The working groups will continue to meet at an expedited pace over the next two months to continue to prepare for the event. A decision matrix that is informed with data has been developed and will be utilized to guide recommendations for event preparedness.