TO: Mayor and City Council
THROUGH: Steve Powers, City Manager
FROM: Kristin Retherford, Urban Development Director
New Parking Meter Technology Update (Phase III)
Ward(s): 1
Councilor(s): Kaser
Neighborhood(s): CANDO
Provide an update to Council on the parking meter technology project.
Information only.
On August 11, 2014, City Council approved funding of the Capitol Mall Parking Technology Project through an internal loan from the City’s Water and Sewer Fund in the amount of $1.5 million.
In March 2015, a contract with Cale America (Cale) was entered into to provide multi-space pay stations, as well as single-head smart meters which would accept credit/debit cards and coin. The contract was entered into after a lengthy RFP review process.
In order to continue moving parking technology upgrades forward, a phased implementation strategy was developed based on budget availability. This approach has provided several benefits, including cost efficiencies. Additionally, phasing has allowed city staff to track the use of new technology and user feedback that has resulted in modifications to enhance the customer experience.
The initial two phases of technology upgrades were completed in summer 2016, with budget dollars remaining after completion. City staff were also able to utilize the Cale contract to complete several smaller technology projects including;
● Replacement of coin meters with one pay station at the Union Street Surface Lot adjacent to AC Gilbert.
● Replacement of (17) coin meters on the second level of Pringle Parkade with smart single-head meters.
● Installation of one pay station at the Salem Municipal Airport for daily parking (paid out of airport budget).
The initial Capitol Mall on-street parking upgrade project was broken into two phases (Attachment 1). In total, 1,001 parking spaces were upgraded to new technology through the purchase of (119) pay stations and (52) smart meters. Since implementation of the new technology the City has seen a significant increase in revenue, both in the legislative and non-legislative years.
After implementation of Phases I and II, an analysis was completed to determine future phases. The analysis was done on three potential zones adjacent to the Capitol Mall taking into consideration factors such as existing parking conditions, parking demands, and enforcement efficiencies. Based on this data, the Phase III area will encompass parking south of State Street, including Willamette University, some on-street parking around the Salem Hospital, Civic Center, and the South Block Apartments (Attachment 2). The implementation will not affect any previously designated Carpool or RP Permit Areas, nor will it include any areas within the Downtown Parking District. Parking meters and time limits for parking are generally prohibited in the Downtown Parking District pursuant to SRC 102.045, which as adopted 2013 in response to a petition initiative.
If future funding becomes available, Phase IV is currently slated for the area north of Marion Street extending up to E Street between Front and Church Streets. Depending on the timing in which future funding becomes available, a confirmation analysis would be conducted to confirm if this is still the best Phase IV option.
Phase III’s final implementation is based on cost. Approximately $240,000 remains in the project budget out of the initial $1.5 million approved, which is estimated to cover the cost of Phase III. Within the next 4-6 weeks a site verification visit will be conducted with Cale and city staff. Based on this process, the final geographic implementation can be determined. The goal is for Phase III to be completed within the first half of FY 17-18. Property owners and stakeholders who may be impacted by the project will be contacted per our project communications plan.
Sara Long
Project Manager
1. Phase I and II Completion Map
2. Phase III Map