TO: Mayor and City Council
THROUGH: Steve Powers, City Manager
FROM: Peter Fernandez, PE, Public Works Director
Public review of the draft update to the Floodplain Management Plan.
Ward(s): All Wards
Councilor(s): All Councilors
Neighborhood(s): All Neighborhoods
Outreach and comment period for the public review draft update to the Floodplain Management Plan.
Information only.
Following a formal planning process with the assistance of a citizen advisory committee, a draft update to the Floodplain Management Plan is available for public review and comment. As a key element of the City’s Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan, the Floodplain Management Plan identifies flood hazards throughout the community, evaluates problems caused by those hazards, reviews possible mitigation activities, and creates an action plan to mitigate those flood hazards. The plan is also integral to the City's participation in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Community Rating System, which reduces annual flood insurance premiums city-wide.
The public comment period ends April 23, 2018. After review of the public comments, staff will bring to Council a resolution for adoption of the final plan update.
1. Salem’s original Floodplain Management Plan was adopted on June 10, 2013, under Resolution 2013-45. FEMA requires that planning documents be updated through a formal process every five years to remain valid.
2. FEMA requires floodplain management planning efforts be included within the City’s Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (NHMP). The NHMP identifies Salem as having a high vulnerability to, and a high probability for, flood hazards. The NHMP identifies two action items specifically related to flood hazards:
a. Update, maintain, and implement flood actions via a floodplain management plan in accordance with FEMA’s Community Rating System guidelines.
b. Improve the City of Salem’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Community Rating System to reduce NFIP premiums.
3. FEMA’s process for updating a floodplain management plan required public outreach, coordinating with other government agencies, assessing hazards and problem areas, setting goals, reviewing possible activities, creating an action plan, adopting and implementing the plan, and evaluating the plan’s effectiveness. Public review of the draft plan is a key element of the public involvement component of the planning process.
4. Proposed outreach efforts include a press release, a link on the City’s website for review and comment on the draft plan, and an outreach letter distributed to key agencies and other stakeholders. City staff will meet with community groups, government agencies, and other stakeholders as appropriate.
5. Draft versions of the appendices referenced in the Floodplain Management Plan are available for review at <>.
6. The final plan is scheduled to be presented to Council for adoption on May 14, 2018. Once adopted, the plan will be evaluated annually to maintain its effectiveness consistent with FEMA guidelines. The adopted plan will remain valid for five years.
Robert D. Chandler, PhD, PE
Assistant Public Works Director
Draft Floodplain Management Plan Update