TO: Mayor and City Council
THROUGH: Keith Stahley, City Manager
FROM: Brian D. Martin, PE, Public Works Director
Salem Transportation System Plan amendment relating to Colorado Drive NW and Landaggard Drive NW.
Ward(s): 8
Councilor(s): Varney
Neighborhood(s): West Salem Neighborhood Association
Result Area(s): Safe, Reliable and Efficient Infrastructure.
The proposed amendment to the TSP would reclassify Landaggard Drive NW as a local street and extend Colorado Drive NW east as a collector street to connect with Doaks Ferry Road NW (see Attachment 1). Landaggard Drive NW is a north-south collector street that currently extends approximately 1,200 feet north from Orchard Heights Road NW. The Salem Transportation System Plan (TSP) calls for Landaggard Drive NW to be extended north to connect to Colorado Way NW and Grice Hill Drive NW, forming a looped collector street that connects back to Orchard Heights Road NW.
Shall the City Council direct the City Manager to schedule a public hearing for Ordinance Bill No. 15-23 (Attachments 2 and 3)?
Direct the City Manager to schedule a public hearing for Ordinance Bill No. 15-23.
The property through which the proposed Landaggard Drive NW extension runs is primarily owned by Titan Hill Property LLC (Developer). The site is undeveloped and zoned for multi-family residential use. The Developer submitted an application to the City to develop the property with multi-family units (Refer to Case No SUB-UGA-SPR-ADJ-TRV-DR23-02). Associated with the development proposal, the Developer submitted an application to amend the TSP to realign the proposed collector street to intersect with Doaks Ferry Road NW and to reclassify Landaggard Drive NW from a collector to a local street.
The reasons for this request are discussed in a memorandum from Transight Consulting, LLC, dated October 17, 2022 (Attachment 4). The memorandum supports the realignment and reclassification for the following reasons:
• If the collector were extended south through the built segment of Landaggard Drive NW it would route the majority of the site-generated trips from the multi-family project through a more rural residential neighborhood, connecting with the Orchard Heights Road NW entrance to West Salem High School.
• The Developer conducted a Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) dated September 28, 2022, (summarized in Attachment 4) showing that as a collector street, the Landaggard Drive NW connection to Orchard Heights Drive NW does not provide adequate capacity to support the school operations and the additional trips generated by the proposed Titan Hill development. The intersection currently operates at a Level of Service “E” and is on the borderline of Level of Service “F” standard in the morning. After the Titan Hill development is completed, the intersection would operate at a failing level of service in both the morning and evening periods.
• Traffic on area roads increases toward the urban area located to the east. Connecting to Doaks Ferry Road NW allows the highest-volume portion of this route to be constructed to the City’s collector standard with bicycle lanes and sidewalks, rather than relying on a segment of Landaggard Drive NW that was built to a rural standard.
• Connectivity to West Salem High School’s entrance will be preserved. The network of streets will continue to provide the Landaggard Drive NW connection but will retain this route as a local street.
• The constructed portion of Landaggard Drive NW serves as the most direct pedestrian connection from the proposed apartments to the high school. There are currently 49 pedestrian crossings during the peak afternoon hour, before the proposed multi-family development has been constructed. The Developer proposes to construct a new pedestrian refuge median in place of the existing eastbound left-turn lane to support and enhance pedestrian access to the high school. The school crossing will include signing, a marked pedestrian crossing on the western approach, ADA ramps, and street lighting.
• Area travel distances will be roughly equivalent. The route to the signalized Doaks Ferry Road NW/Orchard Heights Road NW intersection will be nearly identical. Traffic heading toward the traffic signal will benefit with the Doaks Ferry Road NW connection occurring as a right turn instead of a left turn onto Orchard Heights Road along a downhill segment at a school entrance.
The Street System Element of the TSP outlines a comprehensive system of streets and highways that serve the mobility and multimodal travel needs of the Salem Urban Area. Landaggard Drive NW is identified on Map 3-1, Street Plan, as a north-south collector street that extends north from Orchard Heights Road NW. The Street Plan identifies the Colorado Drive NW Extension on page 3-31:
“Colorado Drive NW Extension (South terminus of Colorado Drive NW to Orchard Heights Road NW)
This will extend the current streets that follow the bowl-shaped contour topography north of Orchard Heights Road NW and west of Doaks Ferry Road NW to create a loop road connected to and north of Orchard Heights Road NW. The loop road will be comprised of Grice Hill Drive NW, Vickery Lane NW, Colorado Drive NW, and possibly Landaggard Drive NW. This will be a new collector, which will curve around to connect back to Orchard Heights Road NW.”
This project is shown on Maps 3-5 and 3-6 and Table 3-7 as a low priority project. The alignment for the street extension appears on the following maps in the TSP:
3-1: Street Plan
3-5: Street Improvement Projects
3-6: Street Improvement Projects - West Salem
7-5: Bicycle Network - West Salem
7-10: Bicycle Project Prioritization - West Salem
8-7: Pedestrian Network - West Salem
8-12: Pedestrian Project Prioritization - West Salem
The TSP, Street System Element Policy 4.5, allows alignments of future streets to shift up to 200 feet from the adopted alignment. The Developer has requested that the Colorado Way NW extension be shifted away from the Landaggard Drive NW approximately 850 feet east to Doaks Ferry Road NW, thereby requiring an amendment to the TSP.
Policy 4.5 Deviation of Future Street Alignments
Between its intersections with arterial and collector streets, the location of a street right-of-way can be varied up to 200 feet on either side of the planned roadway centerline as identified in the Salem Transportation System Plan with the approval of the Public Works Director. Deviations greater than 200 feet shall require an amendment to the Salem Transportation System Plan.
Per Salem Revised Code (SRC) 64.015, the TSP is a component of the comprehensive plan. Comprehensive plan amendments are either major or minor.
SRC 64.020(b) Major comprehensive plan amendment. A major comprehensive plan amendment is any amendment to the comprehensive plan that involves the creation, revision, or implementation of broad public policy generally affecting more than one property owner or affecting a large number of individual properties.
SRC 64.020(c) Minor comprehensive plan amendment. A minor comprehensive plan amendment is:
(1) Any amendment other than a major comprehensive plan amendment; and
(2) Any amendment that is necessary to comply with an order, directive, or recommendation of a governmental body responsible for administering state land use law, or to comply with an order of a court having jurisdiction over litigation involving state land use law. As used in this section, the term “governmental body responsible for administering state land use law” includes, but is not limited to, the Land Use Board of Appeals, the Land Conservation and Development Commission, and the Department of Land Conservation and Development.
The proposed amendment would include the following changes to the TSP to reflect the Colorado Way NW extension and reclassification of Landaggard Drive NW. The proposed changes are included in Exhibit 1 to Ordinance Bill 15-23 (Attachment 3).
• Street System Element
o Amend maps 3-1, 3-5, and 3-6
o Amend text on page 3-31
o Amend table 3-7
• Bicycle System Element
o Amend maps 7-5 and 7-10
• Pedestrian System Element
o Amend maps 8-7 and 8-12
The proposed amendment meets the definition of a minor comprehensive plan amendment because it does not involve creation, revision, or implementation of broad public policy generally affecting more than one property owner or affecting a large number of individual properties.
According to SRC 64.020, a minor comprehensive plan amendment can be initiated by staff by placing the ordinance on the Council agenda for first reading. Council may schedule a public hearing on the ordinance bill, may refer the ordinance bill to public hearing before the Planning Commission or Historic Landmarks Commission, as applicable, for its review and recommendation, may refer the ordinance to a subcommittee for further review, prior to holding a public hearing, or may decline to advance the ordinance to second reading. Staff recommends that the City Manager schedule a public hearing at City Council. Notice of the proposed amendment will be provided pursuant to SRC 300.1110.
Substantive Findings:
SRC 64.020(f)(2) establishes the criteria under which a minor comprehensive plan amendment may be made:
(A) The amendment does not significantly change or amend key principles or policies in the comprehensive plan;
Finding: The TSP, Street System Element, Policy 1.5, System of Collector Streets, states, “The City’s street system shall contain a network of collector streets that serve to connect local traffic to and from the arterial system.” According to the TSP, Street System Element Table 3-1, City of Salem Street Classification and Basic Design Guidelines, a collector street primarily distributes traffic between neighborhoods, activity centers, and the arterial street system while also providing property access. The loop extension to Doaks Ferry Road NW maintains that collector street connection that was previously served by Landaggard Drive NW. Area travel distances will be roughly equivalent. The route to the signalized Doaks Ferry Road NW/Orchard Heights Road NW intersection will be nearly identical. For these reasons the amendment satisfies this criterion.
(B) The amendment does not require substantial changes to plan language to maintain internal plan consistency;
Finding: The amendment requires minor changes to seven maps, one paragraph of text, and one table. Substantial changes are not needed, and the amendment satisfies this criterion.
(C) The amendment does not require significant factual or policy analysis;
Finding: The loop connection to Doaks Ferry Road NW would perform the same function as the planned connection to Orchard Heights Road NW through Landaggard Drive NW. The Colorado Way NW extension to Doaks Ferry Road NW would fulfill the same function of providing a connected street network. Area travel distances would be roughly equivalent and traffic heading towards the traffic signal at Doaks Ferry Road NW and Orchard Heights Road NW intersection would benefit with the Doaks Ferry Road NW connection occurring as a right turn, instead of a left turn onto Orchard Heights Road NW. The amendment satisfies Transportation Goals 2 and 4 in the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan:
T.2. Complete Streets Goal: Provide a comprehensive system of streets and highways that serves the mobility and multimodal travel needs of persons of all ages, abilities, and circumstances in the Salem Urban Area. Ensure that the street system supports a diversity of transportation modes for all kinds of trips, including commuting, shopping, going to school, and recreating. Increase the resiliency of the transportation system to help ensure continued service and reduce risks to people following seismic events and other hazards.
T.4. Local Connectivity Goal: Provide an interconnected local street system that allows for dispersal of traffic, encourages a mix of travel modes, reduces the length of trips, and increases opportunities for people to walk and bike.
The realigned collector street will be developed with sidewalks and bike lanes thereby supporting mobility and multimodal travel needs. Maintaining Landaggard Drive NW as a local street, together with the construction of a new collector street alignment, supports the goal of local connectivity. The amendment satisfies this criterion.
(D) The amendment is in the public interest of the public health, safety, and welfare of the City;
Finding: Comprehensive Transportation Policy 15, Transportation Safety, states:
Local governments within the Salem Urban Area shall make as a high priority the planning, design, construction, and operation of a safe transportation system for all modes of travel including minimizing conflicts between different travel modes.
Traffic on area roads increases toward the urban area located to the east. Connecting to Doaks Ferry Road NW allows the highest-volume portion of this route to be constructed to the City’s collector standard with bicycle lanes and sidewalks, rather than relying on a segment of Landaggard Drive NW that was built to a rural standard. Traffic heading toward the traffic signal will benefit from the Doaks Ferry Road NW connection occurring as a right turn instead of a left turn onto Orchard Heights Road along a downhill segment at a school entrance. For these reasons, the amendment satisfies this criterion.
(E) The amendment conforms to the applicable statewide planning goals and applicable administrative rules adopted by the Department of Land Conservation and Development.
Goal 1: Citizen Involvement
Finding: The amendment process complies with Goal 1 because residents were provided opportunities for input as required by SRC 300.1110. The amendment satisfies this criterion.
Goal 2: Land Use Planning
Finding: The Salem Area Comprehensive Policies Plan includes the following goal statement: “Develop and maintain an integrated, equitable multimodal transportation network that promotes safe, convenient, efficient travel for every user and contributes directly to the health, economic vitality and equality of life of all residents, especially the most vulnerable, and the broader community.” The Salem TSP is a component of the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan and is the document that contains goals, objectives, policies, plan maps, and project lists to guide provision of transportation facilities and services in the Salem area. The amendments proposed support the overall goal to develop and maintain an integrated, equitable multimodal transportation network that promotes safe, convenient, and efficient travel for every user. Shifting the alignment of the collector street to connect to Doaks Ferry Road NW instead of Orchard Heights NW improves safety by moving the majority of the new traffic away from the high school entrance and directing the highest-volume portion of this route to a new street that will be constructed to the City’s collector standard with bicycle lanes and sidewalks, rather than relying on a segment of Landaggard Drive NW that was built to a rural standard. Traffic heading toward the traffic signal will benefit from the Doaks Ferry Road NW connection occurring as a right turn instead of a left turn onto Orchard Heights Road along a downhill segment at a school entrance. The amendment satisfies this criterion.
Goal 5: Natural Resources, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Open Spaces
Finding: The proposed change to the collector street alignment does not eliminate the requirement for future development on the surrounding property to meet the requirements of SRC Chapter 809 (Wetlands), SRC Chapter 601 (Floodplain Overlay Zone), SRC Chapter 808 (Preservation of Trees and Vegetation), SRC Chapter 71 (Stormwater), and SRC Chapter 230 (Historic Preservation). Additionally, the right-of-way required for a collector street is the same as what is required for a local street (60 feet). If the collector street alignment is not changed, a local street would be constructed in the same location. Stormwater treatment will be required for the additional roadway width constructed to incorporate bike lanes as part of the extension of Colorado Drive NW to Doaks Ferry Road NW. The amendment satisfies this criterion.
Goal 6: Air, Water and Land Resources Quality
Finding: The proposed amendment to shift the collector street alignment does not eliminate the requirement for future development of the surrounding property to meet the requirements of SRC Chapter 808 (Preservation of Trees and Vegetation), SRC Chapter 809 (Wetlands), SRC Chapter 601 (Floodplain Overlay Zone), SRC 71 Chapter (Stormwater), and SRC Chapter 810 (Landslide Hazards). These existing regulations aim to protect the quality of air, water, and land resources. The proposed amendment therefore conforms with this goal.
Goal 7: Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards
Finding: The proposed amendment to the TSP does not eliminate requirements for future development on surrounding properties to meet the requirements of SRC Chapter 808 (Preservation of Trees and Vegetation), SRC Chapter 809 (Wetlands), SRC Chapter 601 (Floodplain Overlay Zone), SRC Chapter 810 (Landslide Hazards), and SRC Chapter 71 (Stormwater). These existing regulations aim to avoid or minimize risks to people and property from natural hazards. The proposed amendment therefore conforms with this goal.
Goal 8: Recreational Needs
Finding: The Salem Comprehensive Parks System Master Plan was adopted on May 13, 2013. The Comprehensive Parks System Master Plan does not identify any proposed parks in the area of the proposed TSP amendment. Straub Nature Park is located across Doaks Ferry from the realigned collector street. The new alignment will provide an access route for people to access this existing park. The proposed amendment therefore conforms with this goal.
Goal 9: Economic Development
Finding: The proposed TSP amendment supports the goals included in the Salem Area Comprehensive Policies Plan to develop and maintain an integrated, equitable multimodal transportation network. The property surrounding the proposed TSP amendment is designated for residential development in the Comprehensive Plan. The extension of Colorado Drive NW to connect to Doaks Ferry Road NW as a collector street will provide an opportunity for a future local street connection to the south to serve property designated for mixed-use development located in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Doaks Ferry Road NW and Orchard Heights Road NW. The mixed-use designation allows a wide range of commercial uses, including retail sales, personal services, and offices. Therefore, the proposed amendment conforms with this goal.
Goal 10: Housing
Finding: The proposed amendment to the TSP supports development of an integrated, equitable multimodal transportation network. The shift in alignment supports development of the surrounding property that is designated and zoned for multi-family development. This change in the collector street alignment supports multi-family development by moving the majority of the new traffic away from the high school entrance and directing the highest-volume portion of this route to a new street that will be constructed to the City’s collector standard with bicycle lanes and sidewalks, rather than relying on a segment of Landaggard Drive NW that was built to a rural standard. The proposed amendment therefore conforms with this goal.
Goal 11: Public Facilities and Services
Finding: The proposed amendment supports the timely, orderly, and efficient arrangement of public facilities to support urban development. The realignment of the collector street proposed in this amendment continues to support the planned development of water, wastewater, and stormwater facilities to serve urban development consistent with the comprehensive plan designations. The proposed amendment therefore conforms with this goal.
Goal 12: Transportation
Finding: The transportation goal, to provide and encourage a safe, convenient, and economic transportation system, is implemented by Oregon Administrative Rules 660-012. This proposed amendment is considered an interim update per OAR 660-012-0012(2)(b) because it is not a major update and notice will be submitted prior to June 30, 2027. Therefore, the amendment is not required to bring the entire transportation system plan in compliance with all applicable regulations. Interim updates must comply with the applicable requirements in OAR 660-012. The proposed collector street alignment includes pedestrian facilities as required by OAR 660-012-0510, bicycle facilities as required by OAR 660-012-0610, and supports the network of collector streets required by OAR 660-012-0810. Therefore, this amendment conforms with Goal 12 as implemented by OAR 660-012.
Goal 13: Energy and Conservation
Finding: The proposed amendment supports the City’s Complete Streets Goal (Salem Area Comprehensive Policies Plan), to “Provide a comprehensive system of streets and highways that serves the mobility and multimodal travel needs of persons of all ages, abilities, and circumstances in the Salem Urban Area.” The provision of a collector street with bike lanes and sidewalks supports multimodal travel needs of residents in this area that is planned for high density, multi-family development. Therefore, the proposed amendment conforms with this goal.
Goal 14: Urbanization
Finding: The proposed amendment is consistent with Goal 14 because it supports development of an integrated, equitable multimodal transportation network within the Salem UGB.
Goals 3 (Agricultural Lands), 4 (Forest Lands), 15 (Willamette River Greenway), 16 (Estuarine Resources), 17 (Coastal Shorelands), 18 (Beaches and Dunes), and 19 (Ocean Resources) are not applicable to this proposed TSP amendment.
Robert D. Chandler, PhD, PE
Assistant Public Works Director
1. TSP Amendment - Vicinity Map
2. Ordinance Bill No. 15-23
3. Exhibit 1 to Ordinance Bill No. 15-23
4. Memorandum dated October 17, 2022, Landaggard Drive NW TSP Amendment, Transight Consulting, LLC