File #: 25-32    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance First Reading Status: Second Reading
In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/10/2025 Final action:
Title: Annexation of 1.43-acre territory located at 5725 Skyline Road S and Land Adjacent (ANXC-759). Ward(s): Ward 7 Councilor(s): Nordyke Neighborhood(s): Sunnyslope Result Area(s): Welcoming and Livable Community
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Draft Ordinance ANXC-759, 3. Territory Legal Description and Map
Related files: 25-12, 25-70

TO:                      Mayor and City Council   

THROUGH:                      Keith Stahley, City Manager   

FROM:                      Kristin Retherford, Community Planning and Development Director  





Annexation of 1.43-acre territory located at 5725 Skyline Road S and Land Adjacent (ANXC-759).    


Ward(s):  Ward 7    

Councilor(s):  Nordyke     

Neighborhood(s):  Sunnyslope    

Result Area(s):  Welcoming and Livable Community  






Annexation of an approximately 1.43-acre territory located at 5725 Skyline Road S and Land Adjacent (ANXC-759).    





Shall City Council advance Ordinance Bill No. 3-25, approving annexation, applying City Zoning, and approving withdrawal from the Salem Suburban Rural Fire Protection District, for a territory located at 5725 Skyline Road S and Land Adjacent, to second reading for passage?   






Advance Ordinance Bill No. 3-25, approving annexation, applying City Zoning, and approving withdrawal from the Salem Suburban Rural Fire Protection District, for a territory located at 5725 Skyline Road S and Land Adjacent, to second reading for passage.    






The annexation request is for territory is 1.43 acres in size, including 0.93 acres of private property and 0.50 acres of adjacent right-of-way, located at 5725 Skyline Road S and Land Adjacent (Marion County Assessor Map and Tax Lot: 083W17D / 1600). A vicinity map is included as Attachment 1.


The facts and findings supporting the annexation, zoning designation, and withdrawal from the district can be found in Ordinance No. 3-25 (Attachment 2). The territory legal description and map can be found as Exhibit A to the ordinance and is included as Attachment 3.    




The City Council held a public hearing on the proposed annexation on January 27, 2025. Council closed the public hearing, conducted deliberations, and voted to approve the annexation request.    

                     Jamie Donaldson     

                     Planner III    



1. Vicinity Map

2. Ordinance Bill No. 3-25

3. Exhibit A - Territory Legal Description and Map