TO: Mayor and City Council
THROUGH: Steve Powers, City Manager
FROM: Glenn Gross, Community Development Director
Library Ready to Read Grant Application
Ward(s): All Wards
Councilor(s): All Councilors
Neighborhood(s): All Neighborhoods
Shall City Council authorize the City Manager to apply for and, if awarded, accept the annual Ready to Read grant?
Authorize the City Manager to apply for and, if awarded, accept the annual Ready to Read grant from the Oregon State Library.
The Oregon State Library annually provides state-funded grants to Oregon public libraries. The funds are designated to assist libraries in establishing, developing, or improving library services for children ages 0-14, with an emphasis on preschool children and summer reading. Grant funds are provided to public libraries based on the population of the legal service area of the library/government entity.
The Salem Public Library has made great use of Ready to Read grant funds to support services for children for the past 23 years. Grant funds help pay for family programming, story-times, child-care provider training, the Summer Reading program, early literacy promotional activities, collection enhancement, print materials, and some part-time exempt employees used in support of youth services.
There is no match requirement for this grant. The grant guidelines specifically prohibit the use of these funds to replace funds already appropriated by local governments, and require the funds be used to supplement the Library's budget from local sources to establish, develop, or improve public library early literacy services for young children 0-6 years old and/or the statewide summer reading program for youth 0-14 years old.
Ready to Read grant funds of $26,750 are included in the fiscal year 2016-17 budget for the Library.
Julie A. Sowles
Library Administrator
1. 2017 Ready to Read Grant Application