File #: 25-55    Version: 1
Type: SOB - Presentation Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/24/2025 Final action:
Title: Overview of ODOT's Center Street Bridge project to seismically retrofit the Center Street Bridge over the Willamette River. Ward(s): All Wards Councilor(s): All Councilors Neighborhood(s): All Neighborhoods Result Area(s): Safe, Reliable and Efficient Infrastructure
Attachments: 1. Center Street Bridget Seismic Retrofit project Vicinity Map.png
Related files:

TO:                      Mayor and City Council   

THROUGH:                      Krishna Namburi, Acting City Manager   

FROM:                      Brian D. Martin, PE, Public Works Director  





Overview of ODOT’s Center Street Bridge project to seismically retrofit the Center Street Bridge over the Willamette River.    


Ward(s): All Wards    

Councilor(s): All Councilors    

Neighborhood(s):  All Neighborhoods    

Result Area(s): Safe, Reliable and Efficient Infrastructure






Overview of ODOT’s Center Street Bridge Seismic Retrofit Project planned for the Center Street bridge over the Willamette River.  A presentation to the City Council will be given by Anna Henson, Mid-Willamette Valley Area Manager for ODOT.    





Presentation on the Center Street Bridge Seismic Retrofit Project.







Information only.    






Project Objective

The Marion and Center Street bridges are the only crossings of the Willamette River in the Salem area. Both river crossings have been identified as seismically vulnerable and are expected to be significantly damaged or even collapse after a major seismic event. Due to the size of these crossings, these assets would take years to repair or replace. This will substantially delay recovery of the area and will impose additional challenges to the statewide post-earthquake recovery effort. Because of its age and condition, a seismic retrofit of the Marion Street Bridge is not anticipated to be cost effective.


A substantial portion of the Center Street Bridge Complex was replaced in 1985 and as such, it is a better candidate for a seismic retrofit. Completing a seismic retrofit will improve safety and speed recovery of the area after a major seismic event.  Once complete, there will be an operational bridge crossing on Center Street that carries two-way traffic after a major seismic event.


Proposed Project

Due to funding limitations the project will be completed in two phases. Phase 1 will retrofit the spans across the river to the east abutment, and the eastbound to southbound ramp connecting to Front Street. Phase 2 will replace a portion of the west approach spans to provide a seismically resilient two-lane connection from the west abutment to the west edge of Phase 1 improvements.


Phase 1 will design and construct seismic retrofit improvements that:

                     Replace the bridge pier located on the west riverbank with large diameter drilled shafts and a new crossbeam.

                     Enlarge the footings and add steel foundation piles and ground anchors to the in-river bridge piers. Cofferdams and work bridges are needed to complete this work.

                     Enlarge the footings and add ground anchors to the bridge piers on the east riverbank and across the east side of the bridge. Near the railroad tracks, crash walls will be added and retrofits designed to avoid railroad track impacts.

                     Construct new modular expansion joints and bridge member strengthening from the deck-level of the bridge.

                     Upgrade the City of Salem waterline on the bridge to provide seismic resiliency.

                     Prepare an Emergency Response Plan so that if there is a major seismic event prior to completing Phase 2, ODOT will have a plan to quickly reconnect Center Street in West Salem to Phase 1.

                     Complete an alternatives analysis for the west approach replacement to select a preferred alternative and refine cost estimates.


Impacts from the construction of Phase 1 include:

                     Removing trees along each riverbank, as well as a portion of trees in the Riverfront Park parking lot;

                     Temporarily losing a portion of North Riverfront Park parking lot near the bridge for construction equipment and work access;

                     Temporarily lane closures on Center Street, including potential limited night closures of the bridge;

                     Temporary lane closures on Front Street;

                     Utility relocations, primarily on the east side of the river. 


Phase 2 will design and construct the west approach of the bridge when additional funding is identified and programmed.  The actual Phase 2 improvements will be determined during the alternatives analysis work taking place this next year.


Project Budget

The Phase 1 total cost is estimated between $130M and $200M. Funding will be a combination of HB2017 and supplemental sources.


The Phase 2 total cost is estimated between $130M to $190M based on preliminary concepts. The Phase 1 alternatives analysis will refine this range. Phase 2 is currently unfunded.


Project Schedule

Project design, environmental approvals, and right-of-way acquisition are being advanced now. The project bid opening is scheduled for January 29, 2026. Construction is expected to require three to four summer seasons to complete. The following sequence outlines anticipated construction activities each year. This is subject to change based on contractor means and methods


                     In 2026, trees will be removed for construction work and access areas. The contractor will mobilize to their work areas on each side of the river and construct their work bridge to access the in-river piers. Some of the in-water pier construction will be completed.

                     Utility work and traffic impacts on Front Street are expected in early 2026.

                     Through the winter and spring of 2027, the contractor will work on the east approach bridge around the railroad and Front Street. In summer of 2027, the remainder of the in-water pier construction will be finished.

                     Through the winter and spring of 2028, the contractor will finish the east approach bridge construction. In summer of 2028, the work bridge and access will be removed.

                     Traffic impacts on Center Street are likely to occur in 2027 or 2028.

                     Some work may continue into early or mid-2029 depending on the outcome of some ongoing design development and considerations. 



Critical steps to completing the design, permitting and right-of-way this year include: reaching an agreement with the City on mitigation for tree removal and use of the Riverfront Park parking lot; completing required National Environmental Protection Act clearances; securing railroad agreements for the bridge construction and a new waterline bored under the tracks; and obtaining temporary easements for construction.


ODOT and the City will be working closely together as design progresses. We will have recurring biweekly coordination meetings to discuss tree and parks mitigation, waterline design, traffic impacts, and other project aspects as they arise. For the next several months, we will have monthly senior management meetings to facilitate decision making to confirm City concerns are addressed and project needs are met.


ODOT will be attending the March 13th Salem Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting to share a similar presentation.  Meetings with other interested parties will also be held this spring.





                     Allen Dannen, PE     

                     City Engineer   



1. Center Street Bridge Seismic Retrofit Project Vicinity Map